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Government programs

2024 year - Year of youth and business support

2023 year - Year of caring for a person and quality education

2022 year - Year of ensuring human interests and mahalla development

2021 year - Year of Supporting Youth and Protecting the Health of the Population

2020 year - Year of Development of Science, Education and the Digital Economy

2019 year - Year of Active Investments and Social Development

2018 year - Year of supporting active entrepreneurship, innovative ideas and technologies in our country

2017 year - Year of the dialogue with the people and the people's interests

2016 year - Year of a healthy mother and child

2015 year - Year of attention and care for the senior generation

2014 year - Year of the healthy child

2013 year - Year of wellbeing and prosperity

2012 year - Year of the Family

2011 year - Year of small business and entrepreneurship

2010 year - Year of the harmoniously developed generation

2009 year - Year of the rural development

2008 year - Year of the social protection

2007 year - Year of Youth

2006 year - Year of charity and medical workers

2005 year - Year of Health

2004 year - Year of kindness and mercy

2003 year - Year of Mahalla

2002 year - Year of protection of the interests of the senior generation

2001 year - Year of Mother and Child

2000 year - Year of the healthy generation

1999 year - Year of Women

1998 year - Year of the Family

1997 year - Year of the human interests

1996 year - Year of Amir Temur

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