Kind of activity: Carrying out underground capital development operations, and commissioning the projects, specified by the list of investment projects, and pit structures. The construction of new underground mines and objects, and also switching over to modern mining technologies.
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Kind of activity: Includes a complex ore deposit and construction material quarry. Since 1996, the mine is dormant as unprofitable.
Kind of activity: The main activity of the ore mine is the extraction of gold-bearing quartz ore, which is shipped to a copper smelter and used as fluxes in the metallurgical treatment. The Kauldy ore mine consists of the following production sites: an underground section, an underground section of mining and capital works, a site for maintaining mine workings and ventilation, a site for ore preparation, a section of the mine surface. Also in the structure of the mine is the assay-analytical laboratory, which is an auxiliary site. The product is quartz ore.
Kind of activity: Extraction and treatment of complex ore. Includes: an underground mine and a concentrator. The products: zinc, copper, and lead concentrates.
Kind of activity: Extraction and processing of minerals with obtaining of precious metals.
Kind of activity: Mineral extraction and treatment with obtaining the enriched concentrate. By the mineral composition, the deposit ore is of the gold-sulfide-quartz formation with poor and moderate sulfide ores. The major useful ore components are noble metals, and the associated ones – bismuth, selenium, and tellurium. The mining administration includes the concentration plant to treat the gold-bearing ore from the Koch-Bulak, Kyzyl-Alma, and Kayragach deposits
Kind of activity: Mining. Quarry "Kalmakyr": copper-porphyry ores of the deposit. The main industrial value of the ores of the Kalmakyr deposit is copper, molybdenum, precious metals, as well as sulfur, selenium, tellurium, and rhenium. The field "Kalmakyr" is worked out by an open method, the system of development is transport with the removal of rock to external dumps.
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