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Main tasks, directions and purpose of the company’s business activity

The followings are the main tasks and directions of the company’s business activity:

  • Expanding the mineral and raw materials base, running mountain and mining industry in learning new mines of ferrous and unique metals, implementation of single technical policy directed for strengthening the production of finished products for exporting based on reproducing ferrous and unique metals;
  • In order to ensure high sustainable growth rates of production, increase exports of high value-added industrial products, including further deepening modernization and diversification of the structural reforms and production at the expense of acquiring new markets where products are sold, carrying out works directed for exact target on increasing quality and reducing the prime cost of the produced products;
  • Run active investment policy ensuring the stable involvement of investment as well as foreign investments in implementation of huge investment projects specifying the performance of moderm methods of project management designed for strengthening efficiency and transparency of production and implementation processes of the investment projects, creation of new work places, construction and putting into operation of new high technology enterprises;
  • Localize the production in order to step by step reduce the import of some types of products and services, further deepen import replacing goods and the process of providing internal market with necessary products and fixed assets, expand internetwork industry cooperation based on priority using the products of local manufacturers;
  • organize scientific and research works, including the works within the framework of practical research programs in the sphere of nonferrous, precious, unique metals and solid alloy, participate in working out new technologies and innovation projects and implement to the production;
  • widely implementation of modern information and communication technologies and software products, based on this provide increasing production efficiency, decreasing production expenses and the prime cost of the produced goods, reinforcing its competitiveness as well as transparency of financial and economic activity of the complex;
  • strengthening the potential of the human resources of the complex, increasing the skill of the management staff and technical engineers, organizing their repreparation through the strengthening the cooperation with higher and professional secondary educational institutions, involving young and talented specialists who can ensure the efficient activity of the network in highly competitive environment.

The object of the company is to get profit. Also the Company shall carry out its business activity based on the following purposes:

  • Implementation of the government policy in the spehere of mining and metallurgy production;
  • Provide the expanding to sell and deliver the products for export, formation of orders portfel and guaranted selling of the products;
  • Widely implementation of the investments, organize joint ventures and enterprises pwoviding the new competitive advantages and based on the modern technologies together with progressive foreign enterprises and companies;
  • Develop and implement general development strategy of the all structural departments included in the content of the company;
  • Produce and implement scientific technical policy, implementation of new progressive types of the technics and technologies;
  • Diversification of production, development of more highly recyclable and value-added products;
  • Reduction of the range of imported products based on the expansion of sectoral and intersectoral cooperation;
  • Deepening the localization of basic production and reducing imports in product production;
  • The main activity of the company is the organization of production for the extraction and enrichment of non-ferrous, precious, rare and other metal ores, production of refined copper, zinc metal, precious and rare metals and their alloys, sulfuric acid, other related intermediates.
  • The sphere of activity of the society also includes the following:
  • Collection and recycling of secondary resources and waste containing non-ferrous and precious metals;
  • Processing of raw materials coming from the enterprises of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as imported from abroad;
  • Implementation of scientific and research, development, design and survey, geological and search works;
  • Design, installation, adjustment and maintenance of automated control systems of technological processes, security - automatic fire alarm and television systems, data transmission networks;
  • Repair and maintenance of oxygen, nitrogen, argon, carbonic acid and propane cylinders;
  • Carriage of goods and passengers by highway and railway;
  • Development, production, supply of explosives and explosive devices;
  • Carrying out blasting operations;
  • Production of building materials, structures and products, including construction and white (portland) cement;
  • Organization and production of copper pipes of different diameters;
  • Production – render services on storing materials, goods and products designed for technical purposes, placing in the warehouses;
  • Establishment of public catering outlets;
  • Assistance in the development of subsidiary agriculture, companies, community gardening, horticulture, partnerships;
  • Maintenance and use of communication, telephony, television, as well as local computer systems;
  • Carrying out repair and construction, construction, construction and installation, emergency work, fire and radiation safety, including installation, commissioning and maintenance of radioisotope equipment;
  • Installation and commissioning of special technological lines and equipment, metal structures, control and measuring instruments and automation in the mining and metallurgical industries, plumbing, electrical, insulation and chemical protection, production facilities, transport and engineering;
  • Implementation of a full range of construction, installation and special works in the "mining and metallurgical industries" in the framework of approved programs, as well as regional development programs by the method of "fully completed submission";
  • Production of consumer goods, as well as garments and personal protective equipment;
  • Production of various products for production and technical purposes, including non-standard equipment, spare parts and finished products from castings;
  • Carrying out wholesale and retail trade of a wide range of goods, organization of its own wholesale, commercial, food, department stores and supermarkets;
  • Providing all types of household services to the population;
  • Advertising activities, production of promotional products based on customer orders;
  • Leasing and rent;
  • Production and sale of heat and electricity;
  • Implementation of mining capital works;
  • Provision of housing and communal services and hotels;
  • Production, preparation, storage, processing and sale of agricultural, livestock and fishery products;
  • Production and sale of manufactured goods, works and services, as well as consumer goods, food products in the manner prescribed by law;
  • Informing the population about the most important events of the enterprise, city, region, republic through television and print media;
  • Carrying out foreign economic activity in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • Organization of the work of rest homes and health facilities, health care facilities, preschool education, children's health camps, cultural and recreational parks, attractions and other institutions providing social and cultural services to the population;
  • Sale and purchase of know-how in engineering, technology and other areas in the country and abroad;
  • Organization and participation in exhibitions, auctions and other similar events in the country and abroad;
  • Investment activity in the stock market;
  • Training, retraining, advanced training on a contractual basis at the expense of the enterprise, as well as at the expense of individuals and legal entities;
  • Carrying out of applied researches and new developments in the field of production and processing of rare and rare metals, active study and introduction of modern advanced technologies on use of rare and rare metals, semi-finished products, alloys and other high-tech products.
  • Production and industrial mastering of modern technologies for processing of rare and unique metals by obtaining pure metals, alloys and composite powders of a given chemical and phase composition.
  • Introduction of modern technologies for the production of tungsten, molybdenum, deep processing of rare and unique metals and their production in high-demand products in domestic and foreign markets, hard alloys, chemical catalysts, composite materials and other high value-added products.
  • Ensuring deep processing of rare and unique metals, as well as processing of rare and unique metal semi-finished products from other enterprises of the country, producing industrial semi-finished products and products in high demand in foreign markets.
  • Production of washed roasted phosphorite concentrate and phosphorite flour products, which are in high demand in domestic and foreign markets, the main raw material in the production of phosphorite mineral fertilizers used to increase soil fertility in agriculture.
  • Engaging in other activities not prohibited by the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and in accordance with the main directions, tasks and objectives provided for in this Charter.
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