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Answer: At present time, JSC Almalyk MMC employs the candidates online https://www.agmk.uz/ru/vacancy, subject to availability of vacancies and personnel needs, to select applicants for vacant positions in trade and professional jobs and to equip the complex with qualified workers, employees and specialists.

The applicant’s professional aptitude and competencies are determined in the process of preliminary selection through testing and interviews, and, if necessary, practical exams for the position.

Citizens seeking employment must personally submit the following documents:

- passport;

- Employment Record Book or E-Employment Records Book from MyGov.uz (except those not worked before);

- A diploma of education certifying the possession of a profession or qualification, original or a copy certified in the established manner - for persons who have a profession;

- In addition to the specified documents, disabled persons must present a conclusion from the Medical and Labor Expert Commissions (MLEC) with recommendations for nature and conditions of work.

Information about employment is published on the official website of “Almalyk MMC” JSC- www.agmk.uz , and social media: on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/agmkofficial, Telegram-channel https://t.me/ao_agmk.

Ish haqi to’g’risida ma'lumotnoma olish uchun "Olmaliq KMK" AJ arxiviga yozma ariza  yoki info@agmk.uz  elektron pochtasiga  so’rov yo’llab murojaat etish mumkin.  Arizaga pasport nusxasi, hamda kombinatda ishlaganligi haqida mehnat daftarchasining nusxasini ilova qilish lozim.

So’rovni ijro etish muddati - ro’yxatdan o’tkazilgan kundan boshlab 30 kun.

Olib borilgan ishlar natijasida arxiv Arizachiga rahbar tomonidan burchak shtampi va muhr bilan tasdiqlangan arxiv ma'lumotnomasini yuboradi. Arxiv ma'lumotnomasida ish haqi ma'lumot so’ralayotgan davr mobaynida amalda bo’lgan pul nominaliga (so’m) binoan ko’rsatiladi. Ular arxiv hujjatlarida qanday bayon etilgan bo’lsa, ma'lumotnomaga ham huddi shunday kiritiladi.

Arxiv ma'lumotnomalari, pasporti yoki shaxsini tasdiqlovchi boshqa hujjatini, hamda o’rnatilgan tartibda rasmiylashtirilgan tegishli ishonchnoma taqdim etganda beriladi, shuningdek elektron nusxasi E-mail orqali jo’natiladi. Hujjatlarning haqiqiy nusxasi arizachining uy manziliga pochta orqali jo’natiladi.

Mazkur aksiyalarni reestrda rasmiylashtirish (yangilash) haqidagi ma'lumotlar bilan "Olmaliq KMK" AJ www.agmk.uz  veb-saytidagi "Aksiyadorlarga" bo’limining "Rezident bo'lmagan aksiyadorlar" sahifasida tanishishingiz mumkin. Demak, sizga tegishli bo’lgan pul miqdorini tegishli tarzda rasmiylashtirilgan ishonchnoma bo’yicha harakat qiluvchi ishonchli shaxslar orqali olishingiz mumkin. Aksiyadorning yashash joyi bo’yicha notarial tarzda rasmiylashtirilgan ishonchnomaga yo’l qo’yiladi.

Kombinat o’zining O’zbekiston Respublikasi hududidan tashqarida yashovchi sobiq xodimlariga sog’lig’iga yetkazilgan zararni qoplash uchun pul mablag’larini har oyda va o’z vaqtida "O’zbekiston pochtasi" AJ orqali o’tkazib turadi. 

Rossiya Federasiyasiga o’tkazilishi lozim bo’lgan barcha o’tkazmalar miqdori O’zbekiston Respublikasi Bosh pochtasida to’planib boriladi, va bu yerda valuta ayirboshlanadi va zararni qoplash uchun to’lovlar  miqdorlari egasiga jo’natiladi.

O’zbekiston Respublikasi Bosh pochtasi valuta mablag’larining to’planishiga qarab, Sizga tegishli bo’lgan pul mablag’larini  majburiy tarzda pochta o’tkazmalari orqali jo’natadi.

Answer: Currently, being an employee of the plant, it is possible to get a higher education at the same time. You can enroll in the general procedure for correspondence and evening departments of universities in the appropriate direction.

To do this, you can submit the relevant documents to the admissions committees of universities and pass the test tests. 

Please explain the meaning of paragraph 6 of Article 161 of the new Labor Code – “Termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer”. “the substantiation of termination of an employment contract means the occurrence of one of the following reasons (grounds): other reasons (grounds) established by this Code and other laws.” What is included in “other reasons (grounds)” established by this Code?

The question was clarified by expert and head of the HR department of “Norma”, Valeria LYANDRES:

 – In order to understand and correctly apply the new Labor Code with regard to the termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer, we suggest to look through the comparative table:

Article 100 of the Labour Code as in force in 1995

Termination of the employment agreement concluded for an indefinite term, as well as of a fixed-term employment agreement before the expiry of its term at the Employer’s initiative must be justified.

Substantiation of termination of employment agreement means the occurrence of one of the following reasons:

Article 161 of the Labour Code as in force in 2022

(Part 1) Termination of the employment agreement concluded for an indefinite term, as well as of a fixed-term employment agreement before the expiry of its term at the Employer’s initiative must be justified.

(part 2) Substantiation of termination of employment agreement means the availability of one of the following reasons (grounds):

1) changes in technology, organization of production and labor, reduction in the volume of work, resulting in a change in the number (staff) of employees or a change in the nature of work, or the liquidation of the enterprise;

Article 161 of the Labour Code as in force in 2022

2) change in the number or staff of employees of an organization (its separate subdivision), an individual entrepreneur due to changes in technology, organization of production and labor, reduction in the volume of work (products, services).

No separate paragraph, see paragraph 1.

Article 161 of the Labour Code as in force in 2022

1) liquidation of the organization (its separate subdivision) by decision of its founders (participants) or the body of the legal entity authorized by its constituent documents, or termination of activity by an individual entrepreneur;

2) the incompatibility of the Employee with the work performed due to insufficient qualification or health condition;

Article 161 of the Labour Code as in force in 2022

3) inconsistency of the Employee with the position held or work performed due to insufficient qualifications;

The grounds for termination of an employment contract “for health reasons” were transferred to paragraph 5 part 1 article 168 of the new Labour Code. It specifies the grounds for dismissal due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties. The wording of this point is literally as follows:

“The grounds for termination of an employment contract due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties are:

…5) the occurrence of circumstances that, in accordance with the law, prevent the continuation of the employment relationship (recognition of the employee as completely incapable of work in accordance with a medical report issued in the established manner, as well as termination of access to state secrets if the work performed requires such access, revocation of a permit or license to perform a certain work, etc.)…”

Article 100 of the Labour Code as in force in 1995

Article 161 of the Labour Code as in force in 2022

Termination of the employment agreement concluded for an indefinite term, as well as of a fixed-term employment agreement before the expiry of its term at the Employer’s initiative must be justified.

Substantiation of termination of employment agreement means the occurrence of one of the following reasons:

(Part 1) Termination of the employment agreement concluded for an indefinite term, as well as of a fixed-term employment agreement before the expiry of its term at the Employer’s initiative must be justified.

(part 2) Substantiation of termination of employment agreement means the availability of one of the following reasons (grounds):

1) changes in technology, organization of production and labor, reduction in the volume of work, resulting in a change in the number (staff) of employees or a change in the nature of work, or the liquidation of the enterprise;

2) change in the number or staff of employees of an organization (its separate subdivision), an individual entrepreneur due to changes in technology, organization of production and labor, reduction in the volume of work (products, services).

No separate paragraph, see paragraph 1.

1) liquidation of the organization (its separate subdivision) by decision of its founders (participants) or the body of the legal entity authorized by its constituent documents, or termination of activity by an individual entrepreneur;

2) the incompatibility of the Employee with the work performed due to insufficient qualification or health condition;

3) inconsistency of the Employee with the position held or work performed due to insufficient qualifications;

The grounds for termination of an employment contract “for health reasons” were transferred to paragraph 5 part 1 article 168 of the new Labour Code. It specifies the grounds for dismissal due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties. The wording of this point is literally as follows:

“The grounds for termination of an employment contract due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties are:

…5) the occurrence of circumstances that, in accordance with the law, prevent the continuation of the employment relationship (recognition of the employee as completely incapable of work in accordance with a medical report issued in the established manner, as well as termination of access to state secrets if the work performed requires such access, revocation of a permit or license to perform a certain work, etc.)…”


Transfer to another permanent job in JSC "Almalyk KMK" can be carried out by mutual consent of the employer and employee on the basis of Articles 138 and 140 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

At the written request of the Employee, he/she may be granted leave without pay, the duration of which is determined by agreement between the Employee and the Employer, but shall not exceed continuously or cumulatively three months within a calendar year from the date of the last leave without pay.

During the period of quarantine measures, the introduction of a state of emergency and in other cases that threaten the life or normal living conditions of the entire population or part of it, upon written application of the employee, the continuous or total duration of leave without pay may be increased, but not exceeding six months, unless otherwise provided by law.

Men are eligible to receive a pension at age 60, with 25 years of work experience, and women at age 55, with 20 years of work experience.

Preferential age pensions may be assigned:

irrespective of age based on List No. 1;

with decrease of age to 10 years based on List No. 2;

with decrease of age to 5 years based on List No. 3;

to disabled veterans and similar persons, mothers of children with disabilities, midgets and dwarfs;

to women upon reaching 54 years of age and having 20 years of work experience.

In the event of dismissal due to staff reduction or liquidation of the enterprise, men at 58 years of age with 25 years of work experience and women at 53 years of age with 20 years of work experience are awarded an early pension.

Early retirement is also assigned to persons recognized as unemployed.

To apply for a pension, you can submit an application to the Pension Fund departments:

Employed persons - through the organization’s administration;

members of farming enterprises and individual entrepreneurs - independently;

unemployed persons - independently.

Documents for pension assignment:

a document confirming general work experience, as well as special work experience;

statement of salary.

If necessary, other documents may be required to assign a pension.

Pension assignment period:

when applying within 60 days from the date of the acquisition of right to a pension, reaching the age and having work experience - from the date of the acquisition of right to a pension;

if the 60-day period is not observed – from the date of application for a pension.

The pension is shifted from the first day of the month following the month in which the pensioner has submitted the relevant application and all necessary documents.

Foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the Republic of Uzbekistan are assigned pensions in the above-mentioned manner.

To contact the Extrabudgetary Pension Fund, call the hotline 1140;

To contact the People’s Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan, follow the link or call the hotline 1106;

We are transferring one of our employees to another position at his request. How long can we give him a probationary period?

A probationary period can be indicated in an employment contract only when hiring an employee (part 4 of article 129 of the Labor Code).

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