The main tasks of LD are: Full and timely provision of production with raw materials, equipment, spare parts and other materials necessary for the uninterrupted operation of the Plant.
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The training center was established on October 1, 2001 by order of JSC “Almalyk MMC” No. 590k dated September 28, 2001, in order to further improve the system of retraining and advanced training of the plant's employees.
The research laboratory at the AMMC has existed since the first days of the plant's existence, as it is a link between science and production.
The purpose of work of the Central Analytical Laboratory is to provide a guarantee to the Customer of a high level of test quality through the development of modern methods of analysis, modernization of the instrumentation fleet, rational placement of personnel and continuous staff development.
The history of our plant is inextricably linked with the history of our country, the development of its heavy industry. And speaking of the scientific, creative potential of the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine, one cannot fail to mention the affairs and people of another of its divisions - the Design Works Department (DWD).
Kind of activity: Formation and implementation of the investment program, drafting, approval and execution of the address list of construction sites and a plan for major repairs of housing and social facilities of the plant, as well as objects under construction by the decision of the management of the plant. Maintenance and implementation of investment projects and timely commissioning.
Kind of activity: Uninterrupted providing the Complex’ subdivisions with electric power. Repair of the electrical equipment, and its verification. Includes the department of electric mains and substations, central electrical laboratory, and power repair department.
Kind of activity: Uninterrupted providing the Complex subdivisions with industrial process water.
Department for specialized repair works was separated from the Tust “Olmalikmetallurgkurilish” as an independent subdivision of JSC Almalyk MMC in 2009.
Kind of activity: Execution of civil and erection works, and manufacture of building materials. Includes eleven building sites, three construction administrations, and the shop for fabrication of metal and concrete structures.
Kind of activity: Providing the Complex subdivisions and the city of Almalyk with electric and heat energy.
Kind of activity: Manufacture of explosive materials and performance of blasting operations at the open mines.
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