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Dear geologists of the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex, veterans of the industry!

02 April 2022, 14:45 1355

We congratulate you on your professional holiday - the Day of workers in the field of geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan!

Geologist is not only the oldest, but also one of the most important professions of our time.

Probably no one knows our beautiful land so well as geologists!

Thanks to them, mineral deposits have been discovered, hundreds of deposits have been explored. Particularly geologists helped Uzbekistan acquire the status of the richest pantry of natural resources.

On December 26, 2018, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev signed the Law “On the Establishment of the Day of Workers in the Sphere of Geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan”. Its date is the first Sunday in April.

On this day, we congratulate all employees of the geological industry!

I would like to note that in recent years, special tasks have been assigned to the geological service of the plant. Together with SRK Consulting international company, exploration work at the Kalmakyr and Yoshlik I fields were carried out in accordance with the international standards of the JORC Code.

For two years, the plant's geologists have carried out colossal work. The results of their research confirmed that the Kalmakyr and Yoshlik I deposits are one of the largest gold-copper deposits in the world.

At the same time, the geological service of the plant is actively working on the Kauldin, Angren, Chadak and Khandizin ore fields. And exploration work is underway in all operating mines of the AMMC.

Our country has great potential from a geological point of view. In turn, the wealth of resources and reserves of deposits create the basis for the well-being of the citizens of our country. Therefore, your work is always important to us!

I am convinced that in the future the effective work of our geologists and their competence will largely determine the development of the national economy, strengthening of industrial production, and improvement of the quality of life of people.

Once again, I congratulate you on your professional holiday! I wish all employees of the geological industry good health, happiness, well-being, new creative successes in your work!

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