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Dear teachers and mentors!

30 September 2022, 10:23 1663

I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday – Teacher and Mentor Day, which is celebrated annually in our country, once again emphasizing the importance and necessity of your work!

Teacher... This word has a special meaning for each of us. It was he who held our hand when we first set foot on the threshold of school. This was the human who became our guide to the world of knowledge. The first teacher, by his example and wisdom, introduced us to the rules of relations with each other and between people, taught us the attitude towards elders, towards youngers. And we are sincerely grateful to you for bringing the light of knowledge into our lives.

Indeed, it is impossible to overestimate the role of educators, teachers, mentors in the life of society. Your activities in upbringing the children in the spirit of love and devotion to the Motherland, respect for universal values ​​are worthy of recognition.

Your role is also great in the implementation of reforms on the path of building New Uzbekistan and creating the foundation of the third Renaissance, initiated by the head of our state.

In the ongoing reforms, the sphere of education and training of personnel are of particular importance. In particular, in the recent years, a number of activities have been implemented to improve the status of teachers and mentors, expand the network of preschool educational organizations, create innovative educational institutions and presidential schools based on modern standards, and develop non-state educational services. This makes it possible to create a completely new qualitative level in the education system of the new generation.

An example is the branches of two higher educational institutions operating in Almalyk – the National Research Technological University "MISiS" and the Tashkent State Technical University named after Islam Karimov. And the work on the organization of new higher educational institutions, including in the Tashkent region, is ongoing.

The Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine pays high attention to institutional preschool educational organizations and sponsored specialized schools. On the eve of Independence Day, the builders of the plant, after a major reconstruction, commissioned the preschool educational organization No. 39 "Oltin Beshik", and a month later the repair works had been started at the preschool educational organization No. 33.

Permanent patronage assistance is provided by teams of structural subdivisions of Almalyk MMC JSC assigned to them by the specialized boarding school No. 80, the special school No. 6, the boarding school of the Pskent district, the boarding school of the city of Angren.

Thanks to the conditions created and the opportunities provided, the youth of our country confidently demonstrates their knowledge, creativity, talent in various spheres of life.

A bright example of this is the victory of our young athletes at the 44th World Chess Olympiad, held in August this year in India, where they turned out to be the strongest among the strongest. With this victory, our youth proved that they are worthy successors of our great ancestors. The other day we solemnly welcomed the talented young athlete Munisa Ashurbekova, the winner of the international tennis tournament in Kuwait. The basis of such success, of course, is the contribution of teachers and mentors.

Dear public education workers, coaches, veterans, mentors!

Once again, I congratulate you on your professional holiday and wish you success in your hard work, high results and creative achievements, new achievements of your pupils! I wish you and your families happiness, good health and prosperity!

Abdulla Khursanov,

Chairman of the Board of Almalyk MMC JSC, Senator

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