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Analytical note on the results of the work of Almalyk MMC JSC for 1 half-year of year 2018

05 July 2018, 15:59 2123

Fulfilling the most important priorities of the social and economic development program, the staff of “Almalyk MMC” JSC in 1st half-year of 2018 ensured the production of marketable products:

- in current prices – 100.6 %,

- in comparable prices - 100.7 %.

The growth rate of commodity output in comparable prices to the corresponding period of 2017 was 102.0 %.

Copper ore mined for 99.7% of the target, copper products output was 104.9%, including 100.1 % of own raw materials, 96.4 % of metal zinc, including 101.1 % of own raw materials, 95.2 % of sulphuric acid, 111.7 % of molybdenum trioxide, 101.5 % of fine gold, and 100.8 % of refined silver.

Copper feedstock processed for 100.0% of the target, a growth rate is 106.4 tons.

In the first half-year of 2018, the company exported 141.0 % of its products.

In the first half of 2018, 100.0% of copper products to the target, 100.0% of metallic zinc to the target, 107.1% of Portland cement were sold through exchange trades of JSC “UzRTSB”.

In order to saturate the domestic market, the plant produced consumer goods worth 11.6 billion UZ Soums (excluding VAT) or 100.6% of the target, the growth rate was 101.9%.

Pursuant to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 03.02.2018 No. ПП-3507 “On approval of list of investment and infrastructure projects for 2018” for “Almalyk MMC” JSC 6 investment projects are being implemented, aimed at increasing of mining and processing capacities with capital investments of 2,081.1 bln. UZ Soums, including:

at the expense of own funds - 348.2 bln. UZ Soums;

at the expense of Fund for Reconstruction and Development funds - 1,234.9 bln. UZ Soums;

loans from commercial banks - 498.0 bln. UZ Soums.

Investments worth 1258.5 bln.UZ Soums (105.1 %) were actually disbursed in 1st quarter of 2018: 



Forecast, bln. UZ Soums

Actually, bln. UZ Soums

Performance %


Construction of underground mine at the “Samarchuk” site on the basis of the operating field “Kyzyl-Alma”





Construction of cement plant in Sherabad region of Surkhandarya area





Development of the “Yoshlik I” deposit





Development of the “Yoshlik II” deposit





Expansion of production capacity for the treatment of raw materials (Kalmakyr, Sary-Cheku, UPJT, UAT, MOF)





Development of Uch-Kulach deposit by open-pit method








According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 26.12.2016 No. ПП-2698 “On measures for further implementation of promising projects for localization of production of finished products, components and materials for 2017-2019”, “Almalyk MMC” JSC is implementing 32 projects for a total of 29.0 bln. UZ Soums.

During the first quarter of 2018 localized production amounted to 43.3 bln. UZ Soums or 306.4% of the forecast.

A set of organizational and technical measures has been developed to reduce production costs in 2018, providing for a reduction in the cost of production by 273.7 bln. UZ Soums or 7.5 %.

Expected result from implementation of complex of measures on reduction of production costs for the first quarter of 2018 will amount to 6.7 % against 6.1 % of the target, including production costs - 6.3 % against 5.2 % of the target.

According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. ПП-2692 dated December 22, 2016 “On additional measures for accelerated renovation of physically worn-out and obsolete equipment, as well as reduction of production costs of industrial enterprises”, 360 units of technological equipment worth 22361.1 thousand US dollars are subject to replacement and modernization in 2018.

In 1st quarter 2018, 23 items of equipment for 576.5 thousand USD were replaced.

The Company took measures to improve its management, strengthen its financial and economic position and monitor the reduction of accounts receivable and payable.

The expected accounts receivable as of 01.07.2018 will be 436.2 billion UZ Soums, with no overdue arrears, accounts payable - 390.0 billion UZ Soums.

There are no arrears to the budget or salaries.

“Almalyk MMC” JSC has developed and approved measures to reduce fuel and energy resources in 2018, through the implementation of which the expected savings in fuel and energy resources for 1st half-year of 2018 will amount to:

- electricity - 66.5 million kWh;

- fuel - 16.9 million m3;

Savings on fuel and energy resources will totally amount to 19.2 bln. UZ Soums.

“Almalyk MMC” JSC carries out activities to expand the use of alternative energy sources. For 2018, the introduction of solar installations in the number of 60 units in the boarding house “Oltin-Olma”, which will save 0.2 million kWh per year.

For in-depth study and introduction of modern methods of corporate management at the appropriate level, together with the Scientific and Educational Center for Corporate Management of the Republic of Uzbekistan a training manual was prepared, which contains all the regulations adopted in recent years to improve the corporate management system in joint stock companies, the history of corporate management, corporate management principles, world experience of foreign countries, a set of recommendations for the further development of the corporate management system.

In the first half-year of 2018, 3 specialists of the complex improved their knowledge and skills in the training courses “Corporate management: principles, mechanisms and implementation” and “HR-management” organized by the Scientific and Educational Center of Corporate Management.

In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 207 dated 28.07.2015 “On introduction of performance evaluation criteria for joint stock companies and other business entities with state share” and the Regulation “On application of key performance indicators of Almalyk MMC JSC” approved by the Supervisory Board of Almalyk MMC JSC, the performance evaluation of Almalyk MMC JSC was carried out. The Integral Efficiency Coefficient (ICE) of Almalyk MMC JSC for Q4 2017 was 458.07% (the efficiency of the executive body is recognized as high - if the ICE value exceeds 100%).

According to the New Jobs Creation Program, 820 new jobs are planned for 2018, of which for industry development - 230 and under the investment program - 590 jobs.

In the first half of 2018, 350 new jobs were created, including 74 for industry development and 276 for the investment program.

Under the technical training programme, 2300 workers were trained to improve their skills, 1047 were retrained and learned a second profession, and 934 managers and specialists were upgraded and retrained, including 374 by separation from production.

There are 295 people studying on a paid contractual basis, including 146 students at higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, 112 students at the part-time and evening departments of the Almalyk branch of the Tashkent State Technical University, and 20 students at the extension department of the Navoi State Mining Institute. National Research Technological University “Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys” Master’s degree program has 13 part-time students and 4 full-time students.

For the 1st half-year of 2018, 1875 vocational college students had underwent on-the-job training at the plant’s units.

During the reporting period 1056 college graduates and 310 university graduates were employed.

According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. ПП-2569 dated 01.08.2016 “On measures for further development and implementation of information and communication technologies in the real sector of the economy in 2016-2018” approved a list of priority projects for the implementation of information and communication systems and software products, which includes six projects of “Almalyk MMC” JSC with a total estimated cost of 18.8 billion UZ Soums. During the period of implementation of the Decree, 4.1 billion UZS were actually utilized. Whereof, two projects are scheduled for implementation in 2018, with a deadline in the fourth quarter:

  1. Implementation of process automation system for cement plant in Sherabad district of Surkhandarya region.

Assessed value: 11,5 bln. UZ Soums.

The system will allow to control the process of cement production, by means of data output of all process equipment to the plant control room as mnemonic diagrams, to control the whole technological process from the operator’s workstation, as well as to reduce energy costs (gas, electric power) with increase of product quality.

Installation and commissioning of technological equipment is in progress.

  1. Implementation of an automation system at the “Samarchuk” underground mine.

Assessed value: 3.4 bln. UZ Soums

The automation system will make it possible to automatically monitor the parameters of the main process equipment and provide emergency protection.

Construction work is in progress.

Since the beginning of the year, 20 people have upgraded their minimum ICT literacy skills, the cost amounted to 111.6 thousand UZ Soums.

Work is underway to upgrade the existing wireless data network. Permits were obtained for temporary operation of radioelectronic means. Remote subdivisions, such as the Lime Plant and the Explosives Plant, are connected to the corporate data network. The project is scheduled to be completed in Q2 2018. The upgrade will increase the bandwidth of the data network between remote units located in inaccessible mountainous areas to 60 Mbit/s. The sanitary passports of the radio facility have been obtained. Work is underway to establish a working commission for the commissioning of radio equipment.

New Huawei RH2288 v3 server equipment for the AMMC proxy server was put into operation.

In execution of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated January 22, 2018 No. УП-5308 “About the State program on realization of Strategy of actions on five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017-2021” in the “Year of support of active business, innovative ideas and technologies” “Almalyk MMC” JSC had developed and approved 39 measures for the amount of 12.2 billion UZ Soums.

For the first quarter of 2018, activities for 6.4 bln.UZ Soums were carried out.

In order to meet the needs of employees of the plant and saturation of the city market with meat and dairy products in the first half of 2018 produced:

meat products - 30 tons;

diary products - 1014 tons.

For the purpose of timely execution of orders of higher authorities, improvement of the system of control over execution discipline, a service for control over execution of orders of higher organizations (Order No. 322 dated April 26, 2017) was established within the Executive Office of “Almalyk MMC” JSC and the procedure for systematic and critical analysis of the execution discipline was established.

Throughout the period, work was carried out to introduce a system of reporting and monitoring of the implementation of documents within the established time frame, and to study the progress of laws, acts of the President and Government decisions implemented in the field. According to the plan of work of the company, protocols with the preparation of analytical reports are being prepared.

In pursuance of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 11, 2017 No. ПП-2881 “On the personal responsibility of the State advisers to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, heads of the Cabinet of Ministers and its complexes, state and economic management bodies, as well as khokimiyats of all levels for the effective and efficient execution of acts and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as for strengthening executive discipline” and the Regulations on the procedure for applying of disciplinary measures to officials of the Cabinet of Ministers, heads of state and economic administration bodies, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of regions, cities and districts approved by a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated 10 May 2017 No. 264, the Regulations “On the procedure for applying of disciplinary measures to officials of Almalyk MMC JSC” were approved and put into effect.

Systematic work is being carried out to critically analyse the implementation of own decisions, identify shortcomings and develop specific measures to address them.

In the first half of 2018, Almalyk MMC JSC registered a total of 502 acts, including 2 Decrees, 23 Resolutions, 1 Order, 4 minutes of instructions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 37 instructions of the Office of the President, 453 acts and instructions of the Cabinet of Ministers, 161 instructions of the Prime Minister and his deputies, and 178 instructions of the Research and Information Department of the Cabinet of Ministers.

On the above acts of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (70) adopted a total of 54 own decisions, including 46 orders and 2 directives and 4 complex measures.

To ensure an open dialogue with citizens, thorough consideration and resolution of appeals, the Service for Control and Coordination of Work with Applications of Individuals and Legal Entities has been established at the company. A daily reception is organized.

During the first quarter of 2018 we received 1885 appeals, including 432 written, 867 oral and 586 – electronic appeals. Action was taken on 126 applications, 23 applications were resubmitted, clarifications were given on 1,668 applications, 73 applications are pending and 12 were rejected.

The nature of the applications is the provision of material assistance, employment, treatment, utilities, reinstatement, transfer to other subdivisions of the mill, as well as transportation problems and others.

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