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Analytical note on the results of the work of AMMC for 9 months of 2021

05 October 2021, 14:29 2323

During the implementation of the most important priorities of the program of socio-economic development, the team of JSC "Almalyk MMC" in January-September 2021 has achieved the following production indicators::

- in current prices – to 116,8 percent

In the corresponding period of 2020, the growth rate of commodity prices in comparable prices was 101.4%.

Production of copper cathode is 100.7%, including 100.5% from its own raw material, metallic zinc is 91.1%, including 102.1% from its own raw material, sulfuric acid is 103.7%, refined gold is100.9%,  refined silver is 100.3%,  portland cement is 90.0%.

In January-September 2021, products worth $ 834.0 million (137.8%) were sold for export.

In accordance with the resolution “regarding the activities for the implementation of the investment program designed for 2020-2022 years of the Republic of Uzbekistan” No PQ-4563 dated January 9, 2020 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan involvement of the investment in the amount of 5 039,6 mln US dollar shall be planned for carrying out the production capacity of “Almalyk MMC” JSC for 2021 and recycling the products, including involvement forecast:

from the money resources of the enterprise – 1 724,0 mln US dollars;

from the restoration and development fund – 336,4 mln US dollars;

tijorat banklarining kreditlaridan – 62,7 mln US dollars;

toʻridan-toʻgʻri xorijiy kreditlardan – 2 916,5 mln US dollars.

investment in the amount of 273,5 mln US dollars (101,3 percent) was involved for the ends of January – September 2021:

from the money resources of the enterprise – 207,2 mln US dollars;

from the credits of commercial banks – 0,2 mln US dollars;

from direct foreign investments – 66,1 mln US dollars were involved.

According to the resolution “regarding the program for the localization of the production of consumer products in the internal and external markets in 2020-2021 years” No 136 dated March 10, 2020 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan “Almalyk MMC” JSC is designed to carry out 87 projects in the amount of 161,4 bln US dollars in 2021.

At the end of January-September 2021, the value of localized products on the basis of 76 projects amounted to 148.7 billion soums or 132.9% with respect to the forecast.

A set of organizational and technical measures to reduce production costs for 2021 has been developed, which provides for a reduction in production costs by 240.9 billion soums or 1.8%.

By the end of January-September 2021, the expected result of the implementation of a set of measures to reduce production costs is expected to reach 520.6 billion soums or 5.4%, including production costs 337.3 billion soums or 3.5%.

The plant is taking measures to improve management, strengthen the financial and economic situation, reduce receivables and payables.

As of October 1, 2021, the plant's expected receivables are expected to amount to 2163.5 billion soums, including overdue debts - 166.4 billion soums, accounts payable - 2855.4 billion soums.

There is no debt to the budget or salary.                                                                 

According to the technical training program, 3885 people were trained, including 448 people outside of production, 1,778 people on retraining and studying the second major, 1322 people on advanced training and retraining of managers and specialists, In addition to production, 144 people were educated.

“Almalyk MMC” JSC is taking cooperation with 10 higher educational institutions in the Republic of Uzbekistan and MTTU “MISiS” university of Russian Federation and its branches for preparing specialists with higher education.

At present, the total number of students is 357, of which 54 students study in full-time and 303 part-time and evening departments.

The existing "online practice" Telegram channel provided 9 photos, 38 videos, 36 files, 5 audio files, 14 useful information about the plant's activities to practitioners. In addition, a video conference was held on the activities of Kolmaqir Public Association, Central Analytical Laboratory, Electric Networks Department, and Angren Mining Department. Work in this direction is underway.

During the reporting period, a total of 1,086 people were employed, including 646 college graduates, 239 higher education graduates and 201 uneducated people.

In order to improve the system of control over the timely performance of tasks of higher organizations, the Executive Office of JSC "Almalyk MMC" established a service to monitor the implementation of tasks of higher organizations and established a procedure for systematic and critical analysis of the state of executive discipline.

During the year, the implementation of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the documents of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and government decisions on the ground is carried out to introduce a reporting system and monitor the implementation of documents in a timely manner. Analytical reports and protocols are being prepared in accordance with the plant's work plan.

Systematic work is underway to critically analyze the implementation of decisions, identify shortcomings and develop specific measures to address them.

In January-September 2021, a total of 653 documents were received, including:

Documents and instructions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan 105 - (7 decrees, 22 resolutions, 3 orders, 16 statements, 57 instructions);

Documents and instructions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan 548 (52 resolutions, 13 orders, 73 statements, instructions of the Prime Minister, his deputies and advisers - 245, instructions of the Secretariat - 165).

 In order to communicate openly with citizens, carefully review the received appeals and make a clear decision, the executive office of JSC "Almalyk MMC" introduced a service for monitoring and processing of appeals of legal entities and individuals. The department has a daily reception.

During the reporting period, 3103 applications were received. of these, 1681 were written, 1066 were received through the virtual reception, 301 were oral, and 55 were sent by e-mail. 280 appeals were satisfied, 2360 explanations were given, 16 were rejected, 224 were under investigation, and 33 were forwarded to other relevant organizations.

The content of the received applications includes financial assistance, employment and rehabilitation, treatment, labor disputes, salaries, housing, maintenance, land cadastre, transport issues, etc.

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