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Analytical note on the results of the work of Almalyk MMC JSC for the 1st quarter of 2018

05 April 2018, 16:0 1564

Fulfilling the most important priorities of the socio-economic development program, the staff of Almalyk MMC JSC for the first quarter of 2018 ensured the production of marketable products in:

-     current prices by 100.5%,

-     comparable prices by 100.8%.

The growth rate of the marketable products output in comparable prices compared to the corresponding period of 2017 amounted to 102.0%.

Copper ore was mined 98.5% of the established target, the output of copper products amounted to 106.2%, including 100.0% from own raw materials, 91.5% of zinc metal, incl. from own raw materials 100.0%, sulfuric acid 91.6%, molybdenum trioxide 103.5%, refined gold 100.1% and refined silver 100.7%.

Copper raw materials are recycled 98.2% of the target, the growth rate is 106.0%.

166% products for export have been sold during the 1st quarter 2018.

Through Uz RTSB JSC exchange copper products were sold 100.0% of the target for the 1st quarter 2018, zinc metal -100.0% of the target, Portland cement - 100.4% and Zamak alloy -100%.

In order to saturate the domestic market, the plant produced consumer goods in the amount 6.4 billion UZS (excluding VAT) or 100.3% of the target, the growth rate is 102.9%.

In accordance with No. PP-3507 Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 3, 2018 “On approval of the lists of investment and infrastructure projects for 2018”, 6 investment projects are being implemented at Almalyk MMC JSC aimed at increasing the production and processing capacities of raw materials from development of capital investments in the amount 2,081.1 billion UZS, including:

-     at the expense of own funds - 348.2 billion UZS;

-     UFRD funds - 1,234.9 billion UZS; (Uzbekistan Fund for Reconstruction and Development)

-     loans of commercial banks - 498.0 billion UZS.

Investments in the amount 694.4 billion UZS (103.6%) have been actually disbursed in the 1st quarter 2018, including:





In fact


% performed


Construction of an underground mine at the Samarchuk site based on the existing Kyzyl-Alma deposit





Construction of a cement plant in Sherabad district, Surkhandarya region





Development of the Eshlik I field





Development of the Eshlik II field





Expansion of production capacities for the extraction and processing of raw materials (Kalmakir, Sary-Cheku, IRTD (industrial railway transport department), RTD (road transport department), CCM (copper concentrating mill))





Open pit development of the Uch-Kulach deposit









According to No. PP-2698 Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 26, 2016 "On measures for the further implementation of promising projects for the localization of the finished products, components and materials production in 2017-2019", JSC "Almalyk MMC" implements 32 projects for a total 29.0 billion UZS.

Localized products were produced for 17.5 billion UZS or 231.1% of the forecast in the first quarter 2018.

According to No. PP-2298 Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 11, 2015 “On the program for localizing the production of finished products, components and materials for 2015-2019” it is planned to meet the target parameters for reducing imports by localizing production and expanding intersectoral industrial cooperation for 2018 in the amount $24.5 million.

In the first quarter 2018, the production amounted to $5.3 million, or 101.5% of the forecast.

A set of organizational and technical measures has been developed to reduce the cost of production in 2018, which provides for a reduction in the cost of production by 7.5%.

The expected result from the implementation of a set of measures to reduce production costs in the 1st quarter 2018 is 5.9% versus 5.5% of the target, including production costs -5.2% versus 4.8% of the target.

According to No. PP-2692 Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 22, 2016 "On additional measures to accelerate the renewal of physically worn out and obsolete equipment, as well as to reduce the production costs of industrial enterprises":

in 2018, 360 units of technological equipment are to be replaced and modernized in the amount $22,361.1 thousand USD.

13 units of equipment were replaced in the first quarter 2018 for $182.5 thousand USD.

The plant has carried out measures to improve management, strengthen the financial and economic situation and monitor the reduction of receivables and payables.

Expected receivables as of April 1, 2018 shall amount to 340 billion UZS, without the formation of overdue debt, accounts payable - 425.2 billion UZS.

There are no debts to the budget and wages.

JSC Almalyk MMC has developed and approved measures to reduce fuel and energy resources for 2018, due to the implementation of which the expected savings in fuel and energy resources for the 1st quarter 2018 shall amount:

-     electricity - 36.0 million kW/h;

-     fuel - 9.6 million m3;

Savings of fuel and energy resources will amount to a total 9.9 billion UZS.

Almalyk MMC JSC takes measures to expand the use of alternative energy sources. In 2018, it is planned to introduce 60 solar units in the Oltin-Olma boarding house at the Social Facilities Department, which will save 0.2 million kWh per year. In 2018-2019, it is planned to expand the biogas plant for the processing of cattle waste.

In order to further improve the management system of Almalyk MMC JSC and ensure, on this basis, an increase in production efficiency, expansion of the mineral resource base and sustainable development of production capacities, an increase in ore mining, production of non-ferrous, precious and rare metals, as well as other competitive products, which is in stable demand in the domestic and foreign markets, the introduction of modern corporate governance methods on September 15, 2017, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted the Resolution “On measures to further improve the management system of Almalyk MMC JSC” (No.PP-3280 dated September 15, 2017), which was adopted by JSC "Almalyk MMC" for unconditional execution.

For in-depth study and implementation at the proper level of modern methods of corporate governance, the Scientific and Educational Center for Corporate Governance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, together with Almalyk MMC JSC, prepared a training manual that contains all the regulatory and local acts adopted in recent years to improve the corporate governance system in joint-stock companies, the history of corporate governance, principles of corporate governance, international experience of foreign countries, a set of recommendations for the further development of the corporate governance system.

In the first quarter 2018, 3 specialists of the plant improved their knowledge and skills in the training courses "Corporate Governance: Principles, Mechanisms and Implementation" and "HR-Personnel Management" organized by the Scientific and Educational Center for Corporate Governance.

In accordance with No. 207 Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated July 28, 2015 “On the introduction of criteria for evaluating the performance of Joint-Stock Companies and other business entities with a state share” and the Regulation “On the application of key performance indicators at Almalyk MMC JSC” approved by the Supervisory Board of Almalyk MMC JSC the performance criteria of Almalyk MMC JSC was assessed. The integral efficiency ratio (IER) of Almalyk MMC JSC for the 4th quarter 2017 amounted to 458.07% (the performance of the executive body is recognized as high - if the IER value exceeds 100 percent).

The results are posted on the official website of the Center for State Assets Management under the State Competition Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

According to the Program for the creation of new jobs in 2018, it is planned to create 820 new jobs, including 230 jobs for the development of industry and 590 jobs under the investment program.

In the first quarter 2018, 110 new jobs were created, including 54 for the development of industry and 56 under the investment program.

In accordance with the program for the technical training of workers, 1,015 individuals were trained to improve the skills of workers, 663 individuals underwent retraining and mastering a second profession, advanced training and retraining of managers and specialists, including 748 individuals in the classroom.

163 individuals study on a paid-contract basis, including 146 individuals at the universities of the Russian Federation, 111 individuals at the correspondence and evening department of the Almalyk TashSTU, and 20 individuals at the correspondence department of NavMGI.

There are 13 students studying at the NRTU MISiS master's program.

JSC "Almalyk MMC" carried out a set of measures to cooperate with seven professional colleges assigned to the plant, to strengthen cooperation ties in organizing the industrial practice of graduates. According to the events, the structural subdivisions of the plant provide sponsorship for equipping training workshops and laboratories.

In the first quarter 2018, 1,123 students of vocational colleges underwent internships in the divisions of the plant.

During the reporting period, 586 college graduates and 142 university graduates were employed.

According to No.PP-2569 Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 01.08.2016 “On measures for the further development and implementation of information and communication technologies in the real sector of the economy in 2016-2018”, a list of priority projects for the implementation of information and communication systems and software products was approved, which includes 6 projects of Almalyk MMC JSC with a total estimated cost 18.8 billion UZS. During the period of implementation of the Decree, 4.1 billion UZS were actually disbursed. Among them, the implementation of two projects are envisaged with a deadline in the IV quarter 2018:

  1. Implementation of an automation system for technological processes of a cement production plant in the Sherabad district of the Surkhandarya region.

Estimated cost is 11.6 billion UZS.

The system will allow to control the process of cement production by outputting the data of the operation of all technological equipment to the control room of the plant as mnemonic diagrams, to control the entire technological process from the operator's automated workplace, and also to reduce the cost of energy resources (gas, electricity) with an increase in the quality of products.

  1. Implementation of an automation system at the underground mine "Samarchuk".

Estimated cost: 3.4 billion soums.

The automation system will automatically control the parameters of the main process equipment and provide emergency protection.

"Almalyk MMC" JSC updated the official website, the materials are published in 3 languages ​​(Uzbek, Russian, English). According to the approved schedule for the examination of the official websites of the state and economic management bodies, the local authorities carried out an examination, December 6 to 12, 2017, of the official website of Almalyk MMC JSC. Based on the results of the examination, 2 threats were identified (medium 1, low 1). Identified threats have been eliminated.

Since the beginning of the year, 20 individuals have improved their qualifications in the minimum computer literacy in the field of ICT, the costs amounted to 111.6 thousand UZS.

Work is underway to modernize the existing wireless data transmission network. Permits for temporary operation of Local Power Station were obtained. Remote subdivisions, such as the Lime Plant, the Plant of Explosive Materials, are connected to the corporate data transmission network. The project is scheduled to be completed in the second quarter 2018. The modernization will increase the capacity of the data transmission network between remote subdivisions located in hard-to-reach mountainous areas up to 60 Mbps.

In pursuance of the instructions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in order to express and discuss by citizens their position on important issues related to the activities of Almalyk MMC JSC, "My Opinion" Information Portal ( was developed;

For the convenience of tracking news of Almalyk MMC JSC, an official news channel in the Telegram messenger has been developed and launched in the Internet.

"Almalyk MMC" JSC has developed and approved 39 measures worth 12.2 billion UZS for the implementation of the State program "Year of Support for Active Entrepreneurship, Innovative Ideas and Technologies" in five priority areas of development.

Activities for 1.8 billion UZS were carried out in the first quarter 2018.

In order to meet the needs of the plant’s employees and saturate the city’s market with meat and dairy products, the following goods were produced in the first quarter 2018:

  • meat products - 15 tons;
  • dairy products - 504 tons.

In order to timely execute orders from higher authorities, improve the system for monitoring performance discipline, a service for monitoring the execution of instructions from higher authorities was established as part of the Executive Office of Almalyk MMC JSC (Order No. 322 dated April 26, 2017) and a procedure for systematic and critical analysis of the state of performance discipline.

During the entire period, work was carried out to introduce a reporting system and organize control over the execution of documents on time, to study the progress in the implementation of Laws, acts of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Government decisions on the ground. According to the work plan of the plant, protocols are drawn up with the execution of analytical reports.

According to No.PP-2881 Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 11, 2017 “On the personal responsibility of the State advisers to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, heads of the Cabinet of Ministers and its complexes, state and economic management bodies, as well as khokimiyats of all levels for the effective and efficient execution of deeds and instructions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as for strengthening executive discipline” and the Regulations on the procedure for applying disciplinary measures to officials of the Cabinet of Ministers, the heads of state and economic management bodies, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of regions, cities and districts approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of May 10, 2017 No. 264 the Regulation “On the procedure for applying disciplinary measures to officials of Almalyk MMC JSC” was approved and put into effect.

Systematic work is being carried out to critically analyze the implementation of its own decisions, identify shortcomings and develop specific measures to eliminate it.

In the first quarter 2018, Almalyk MMC JSC registered a total of 287 deeds, including 2 Decrees, 11 resolutions, 1 order, 3 instructions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 33 instructions of the Presidential Administration, 237 deeds and instructions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 86 instructions of the Prime Minister and its deputies, and 103 instructions of the RID at the Cabinet of Ministers.

According to the above deeds of the President and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan (32), a total of 25 own decisions were adopted, including 23 orders and 2 comprehensive measures.

To ensure an open dialogue with citizens, thorough consideration and resolution of appeals, the Plant has established a Service for Control and Coordination of Work with Appeals from Individuals and Legal Entities. Daily appointments are arranged.

In the 1st quarter 2018, 991 appeals were received, including 274 written appeals, 311 oral, and 406 were electronic. Measures have been taken on 78 applications, 13 applications have been resubmitted, clarifications have been given on 848 applications, 43 applications are under consideration and 11 have been rejected.

The nature of the applications is the provision of financial assistance, employment, treatment, utilities, reinstatement, transfer to other divisions of the plant, as well as transport problems and others.


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