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Services and departments under Сhairman of the board


Head of the service: Nazarova Shakhista Khasanovna

Phone: (+998 78) 141-90-09


Major tasks:

  • Arrangement and realization of the Company activities in the securities market.
  • Assurance of compliance with statutory regulations, and protection of shareholders’ rights and interests within the current legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  • Active cooperation with specialized registrars and other stock market participants.
  • Monitoring the accounting and dynamics of the Company’s shareholders, shares and other securities.
  • Information support for processes of the issue and securities dynamics.
  • Monitoring the activity of the structural subdivision’s leaders as well as those responsible for effective use of and managing the Company property, including the one which is abroad.
  • Participation in implementation of the set of measures aimed to the introduction of modern corporate management in the Company.
  • Cooperation in preparing proposals on the corporate management system improvement, aimed at radical enhancement of the role played by shareholders, and also of the Company’s superior administrative bodies and other internal bodies under the Company’s control.
  • Managing the work on the fulfillment of the Company’s management bodies’ decisions, in terms of management the securities and property which are on the Company balance, including the participation in managing the work on property assessment and insurance, and making cadastres of the Company’s building and structures.
  • Organization and carrying out the work in the field of privities.
  • Carrying out the timely analysis of reporting documents, and monitoring the activity of the Company’s Joint Ventures.


Head of the department: Turaev Utkur Nazarovich

Phone: (+998 78) 141-90-09


Major tasks:

  • establishment and expansion of cooperation relations with foreign enterprises, companies and research institutes on production, scientific-technical and export-import operations;
  • reception of foreign delegations visiting the combine and organization of their monitoring;
  • organization of participation in international exhibitions, forums, preparation of catalogs and exhibition materials;
  • organization of joint business trips to foreign countries together with interested ministries and agencies;
  • agree on the topics of visits of foreign companies with the management of the combine;
  • organizing the visit of foreign delegations to the combine at a high level together with the relevant departments;
  • creation of necessary conditions for further expansion of cooperation of the combine with foreign countries;
  • ensuring timely translation of internal documents of the combine from and sent to foreign companies and research institutes into foreign languages;
  • organization of negotiations with foreign companies and research institutes at a high level;
  • formation and analysis of report materials on international cooperation, etc.


Acting head of the service: Kasimov Sanzhar Kadirovich

Phone: (+998 78) 141-90-09


Major tasks:

Main Tasks of the Department: 

  • control over compliance with the established procedure for concluding, executing, amending and terminating agreements/contracts, as well as the procedure for presenting and considering claims;
  • conducting lawsuits on disputes arising from contractual relations;
  • monitoring the conduct of mutual inspections of the execution of contracts;
  • verification of compliance with the requirements of the legislation of draft agreements/contracts submitted for signature to the management and other documents of a legal nature related to it;
  • in case of detection of non-compliance of the prepared draft agreement/contract or other legal document related to it with the requirements of the legislation, returns it for revision with the justification of its objection;
  • directly involved in the development of proposals for the improvement of contractual relations;
  • development of standard forms of agreements/contracts;
  • preparation of opinions on draft agreements/contracts for their compliance with the requirements and norms of legislation;
  • preparation of powers of attorney:
  • participation in the preparation and legal expertise of local regulations.
  • legal expertise and approval of local regulations and other documents of a legal nature of the Combine;
  • participation in the preparation of legal documents. regulating the activity of the Combine and its structural subdivisions;
  • preparation of legal opinions on the activities of the Combine and its structural divisions in accordance with the norms of substantive and procedural law branches;
  • providing legal support in the interaction of the Combine with law enforcement agencies;
  • representation of interests and conduct of cases (trials) in courts, law enforcement and administrative bodies;
  • organization of claim work and settlement of disputes with legal entities and individuals out of court;
  • organization of work on the collection of receivables;
  • protecting the interests of the Combine and its structural subdivisions in relations with the bodies exercising control over compliance with consumer protection legislation;
  • monitoring of judicial and administrative disputes in which the Company participates. preparation of reviews on topical issues of judicial and administrative practice;
  • timely and qualitative analysis of the actual performance of the Legal Department and preparation of periodic responses;
  • making a proposal to organize events to improve the legal knowledge of the employees of the Combine and its structural divisions, participation in these events;
  • implementation of work on legal propaganda of legislation relating to the activities of the Combine and its structural divisions;
  • assistance to the employees of the Combine and its structural subdivisions at their request in the search for regulatory legal acts and legal documents relating to the activities of the Combine, if necessary, clarification of their norms. 



Acting Head of service: Juraev Shukhrat Kholbaevich

Phone numbers of the service for requests: +998 70 619-15-47, +998 70 619-22-70


Major tasks:

  • introduction in JSC Almalyk MMC (hereinafter - the Company) and its structural subdivisions of the compliance system that meets the requirements of the international anti-corruption standard ISO-37001:2016, as well as its development;
  • timely identification and elimination of causes and conditions of corruption in the Company and its structure;
  • prevention of corruption offenses in the Company and its structure;
  • systematic improvement of legal awareness and legal culture of employees of the Company and its structural subdivisions in order to form an intolerant attitude towards corruption;
  • organization of preventive anti-corruption measures in the Company and its structural subdivisions, ensuring execution of documents in the field of combating corruption;
  • improving the Company’s anti-corruption activities;
  • prevention of corruption offenses in the Company;
  • control and ensuring the effective functioning of the Company’s anti-corruption system.



Head of the Department: Akhmetov Aidarbek Akhmetovich

Phone: (+998 78) 141-90-09


Major tasks:

  • introduction in JSC Almalyk MMC (hereinafter - the Company) and its structural subdivisions of the compliance system that meets the requirements of the international anti-corruption standard ISO-37001:2016, as well as its development;
  • timely identification and elimination of causes and conditions of corruption in the Company and its structure;
  • prevention of corruption offenses in the Company and its structure;
  • systematic improvement of legal awareness and legal culture of employees of the Company and its structural subdivisions in order to form an intolerant attitude towards corruption;
  • organization of preventive anti-corruption measures in the Company and its structural subdivisions, ensuring execution of documents in the field of combating corruption;
  • improving the Company’s anti-corruption activities;
  • prevention of corruption offenses in the Company;
  • control and ensuring the effective functioning of the Company’s anti-corruption system.


Head of the Office: Rakhimova Nargiza Bakhodirovna

Phone: (+998 70) 140-04-18


Major tasks:

  • Formation of reliable summary data on the state of mutual settlement of accounts under contractual obligations formed under the concluded agreements of the plant with other organizations, necessary for economic analysis and management decision-making;
  • Ensuring control over existing contractual obligations in accordance with approved norms and regulations;
  • Timely prevention of negative phenomena in the economic and financial activities of the Combine.
  • It organizes the recording of data on contractual obligations of JSC “Almalyk MMC”;
  • Generates unified consolidated reporting on contractual obligations, develops measures for repayment of receivables and payables;
  • Heads the work on preparing reports, monitors the implementation of measures taken to eliminate debt.


Acting head of the Office: Asraeva Nigora Anarbaevna

Phone: (+998 70) 140-04-18


Major tasks:

  • Performance of operational cooperation of JSC ‘Almalyk MMC’ with Republican ministries, agencies, and other enterprises and organizations.



Head of the service: Kamilov Abror Bakhtiyarovich

Phone: (+998 70) 619 23 33 


Major tasks:

  • Receiving and registration of applications, proposals, complaints, appeals, including electronic appeals coming to the management of the plant from individuals and legal entities and sent to the plant for consideration of applications and appeals received on the address of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Cabinet of Ministers, khokimiyats of different levels, people’s receptions and other bodies;
  • Comprehensive and continuous monitoring of timely and proper consideration and timely response to applicants;
  • Implementation of continual control and monitoring over the examination of the appeals, statements and complaints by structural subdivisions of plant, as well as taking measures to ensure their timely and proper examination;
  • Monthly presentation to the plant management the information about the status of examination of appeals, if necessary, with appropriate proposals for eliminating existing shortcomings, taking of liability measures for employees who have committed violations of the law on appeals;
  • Carrying out exit receptions of individuals, according to the approved schedule, on behalf of the Chairman of the Board, as necessary.



Head of the service: Muratov Mansur Makhmudovich

Phone: (+998 78) 141-90-09


Major tasks:

  • Implementation of a systematic monitoring and control over timely and qualitative execution of acts and instructions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • Provision of informing persons responsible for taking effective measures on the orders and acts of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and monitoring of their timely, accurate and complete implementation;
  • Conducting monthly analysis of the state of the discipline of the JSC "Almalyk MMC" and preparation of analytical report on the progress of executions of the above instructions.



Acting Head of the service: Vacancy

Phone: (+998 78) 141-90-09


Major tasks:

  • Organization of the work on arrangement of documentary part of the office correspondence work.
  • Document execution control.


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