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Khursanov Abdulla Khalmuradovich

Chairman of the board of JSC "Almalyk MMC"


Born on July 9, 1966

In 1991 he graduated from Tashkent Architectural and Construction Institute. In 2005 he graduated from the Tashkent State Institute of Law.

Labor activity:

 1983-1984 - Tashkent Railway, Construction Department No. 19, Building Trust "TashTentKenturilish" No. 4.

1984-1986 - He served in the army.

1986-1989 - "TashTentKenturilysh", Construction Bureau No. 19. Tashkent City

1989-1990 - Master of Construction of Urban Construction No. 4, Barkarikurilish, Managing Director, Tashkent.

1990-1991 - Chief Engineer of the Construction Department No. 2 of Tashkent Telematemia, Tashkent.

1991-1997 - Director of a small enterprise "Saxovet", Tashkent.

1997-1998 Specialist of the 1st category of the Department of Statistics of Investments and Construction, Department of State Statistics, Tashkent.

1998-2001 - Head of the Department of Construction and Building Standards, Head of Analysis and Forecasting Department, Department for Contractual Relations, Department of Economics and Construction Management, State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Architecture and Construction, Tashkent.

2001-2012 - Leading specialist, chief specialist of foreign economic relations and foreign investments department, senior specialist of the department of economic and foreign economic relations of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent.

2012-2017. - Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine, head of the investment department of the State Enterprise "Navoi".

2017-2017 - Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine, Deputy Director General for Investments and Investments, Navoi.

2017-2018 - Chairman of the Board of the Joint Stock Company "Uzbek Metallurgical Plant".

2018.- presently. - Chairman of the Board of JSC "Almalik MMC"


  • manages the activities of Almalyk MMP JSC (hereinafter referred to as the "Plant" and / or the "Company") on the basis of one-man management and is personally responsible for fulfilling the tasks and plans assigned to the Plant;
  • organizes the activities of the Management Board, distributes responsibilities among the members of the Management Board, ensures that the Management Board makes informed and effective decisions, presides at meetings of the Management Board, and resolves other issues stipulated by the Company's Charter;
  • without a power of attorney, it conducts business on behalf of the Company, represents its interests, approves the staff, issues orders binding on employees, and gives orders;
  • makes decisions on concluding transactions (contracts), including those related to acquisition, alienation or the possibility of alienation of property by the Company, provided that the value of such transactions (agreements) does not exceed three percent of the value of the company's net assets determined according to the financial statements as of the date of the decision to conclude the transaction;
  • responsible for the company's production and financial activities;
  • independently makes decisions on all issues of the company's current activities that are not within the competence of the General meeting of shareholders, the Supervisory Board and the Management Board of the Company;
  • distributes duties between Vice-presidents;
  • signs accounting, statistical and other reports;
  • approves the structure and staffing of the Plant within the established number of employees and the wage Fund;
  • approves regulations on the Plant's structural divisions;
  • organizes the convocation of the Plant's management bodies in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
  • in accordance with the established procedure, appoints and dismisses Deputy chairmen, heads of departments/services of the Executive office and structural divisions of the Plant, sends them on business trips and provides them with leave;
  • signs documents sent to state authorities, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other organizations;
  • manages and supervises the following departments: legal department, office Manager service, representative office of Almalyk MMC JSC in Tashkent, service for control and coordination of work with appeals of individuals and legal entities, service for control over execution of orders of higher organizations;
  • exercises other powers in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan, constituent and internal documents of the Plant.
  • During its temporary absence, assigns powers to the first Deputy Chairman of the Management Board for Economics, Finance and Transformation, and in the absence of the first Deputy Chairman of the Management Board for Economics, Finance and Transformation - to the  first Deputy Chairman of the Management Board - chief engineer.
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