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Mamatov Bekhzod Abdugafurovich

First deputy chairman of the board of "Almalyk MMC" JSC for economics, finance and transformation


Born in 1985 in Djizzakh region.

Education – higher. He graduated Tashkent Financial Institute in 2007, Koryo University in 2021 (Republic of Korea). Educational specialty: accounting and auditing, accounting, development and cooperation, financial and tax policy.

Labor activity

2010-2012 - Assistant at “Production department” of Djizzakh politechnical institute

2012-2013 - Economist at “Sirdaryo maxsus trans texno” (Syrdarya region)

2013-2013 - Assistant at “Accounting” department of Tashkent financial institute

2013-2017 - Chief economist of the Department of methodology of accounting and auditing at the ministry of finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan

 2017-2019 - Deputy head of the Department of management of methodology of accounting and auditing at the ministry of finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan

2019-2019 - Deputy head of the department of the main directorate of finance and tariff regulation of basic industries, Fuel and energy complex and geological development at the Ministry of finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan

2019-2021 - Magister at Korea university, Republic of Korea

2021-2023 - Head of the department for development of geology and metallurgical industry at the Ministry of economic development and poverty reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan

2023-2024 - Head of the department of strategic development and investments, Head of the department of development of the mining industry of the Ministry of mining and geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan

2024- present - First deputy chairman of the board of “Almalyk MMC” JSC for economics, finance and transformation


ensures rational use of financial resources and funds of the Plant in accordance with functional responsibilities;

coordinates and organizes interaction of subordinate units with structural units of the Plant;

coordinates and monitors the performance of functional responsibilities of subordinate units;

ensures the achievement of production indicators at the Plant, production and financial activities;

monitors compliance with staffing, financial discipline, and the cost estimate of the Plant;

determines the financial policy of the Plant, develops and implements measures to ensure its financial stability;

monitors the status, movement and targeted use of financial resources, the results of financial and economic activities, and the fulfillment of tax obligations;

if necessary, interacts with credit institutions on issues of obtaining loans, credits, etc.;

manages the preparation of long-term and current plans and budgets of funds, ensures control over their implementation;

prepares proposals for the development of new business areas, new markets;

develops an objective development strategy and the main sections of the development plan of the Plant;

manages the activities of the Plant in the field of information technology (digitalization);

coordinates the implementation and adoption of measures for the digital transformation of the Plant;

coordinates the introduction of digital technologies in all areas of the Plant's activities, increasing the efficiency of business and production processes;

coordinates the minimization of paper document flow and reduction of the cost of telecommunications, the introduction of digital technologies in all areas of the Plant's activities, increasing the efficiency of business and production processes;

coordinates and monitors the implementation of projects and the adoption of measures for the digital transformation of the Plant, the implementation of "Electronic Government" systems;

represents the interests of the Plant in all governmental, public and other organizations, the law enforcement agencies, the institutions and enterprises on all issues related to the activities of the Plant, within the powers determined by the power of attorney and these Regulations;

ensures the timely execution of urgent and special orders of the Presidential Administration, the Cabinet of Ministers, the general meeting of shareholders, the Supervisory Board, the Chairman of the Management Board;

ensures executive discipline of the units supervised by him;

carries out other actions related to the economic, financial, and transformation activities of the Plant.

The First Deputy Chairman of Board for Economics, Finance, and Transformation is responsible for the implementation of the above tasks and the financial condition of the Plant.

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