Deputy chief engineer of JSC "Almalyk MMC" in Mining
Born in 1960 in the Republic of Armenia.
Higher education. In 1981, graduated the Azerbaijanian oil and gas institute. Specialty be education – techniques and comprehensive mechanization of underground mining.
Labor activity
1981-1991 y - underground mining attendant at the section No. 3, senior attendant, No. 1 section Chief, No. 5 section Chief in the underground pit ‘Kochbulak’ of the production association ‘Uzbekzoloto’ under the Angrensky gold mine
1991-1992 y - attendant at the ‘Takhtarovka’ underground pit of the ‘Yenbek’ prospectors cooperative under the ‘Kazzoloto’ ore-dressing and processing enterprise
1992-1999 y - chief, chief engineer of the ‘Gornaya’ underground mine, chief engineer of the ‘Zarnitsa’ prospectors cooperative under the production association ‘Uzbekzoloto’
1999-2001 y - Chief Engineer of the Angrensky gold mine under the ‘Uzalmazzoloto’ association
2001-2002 y - Director of the Angrensky gold mine under the ‘Uzalmazzoloto’ association
2002-2007 y - Deputy Technical Director, Mining, of JSC “Almalyk MMC’
2007 – up to date Deputy Chief Engineer, Mining, of JSC “Almalyk MMC’