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Environmental policy


in the Field of Ecology and Environment Protection


JSC “Almalyk MMC” is one of the largest industrial mining enterprises in Uzbekistan and the Central Asian region. The main area of business of JSC “Almalyk MMC” is extraction and concentrating of sulfide, gold-bearing and polymetallic ores with subsequent production of refined copper, metallic zinc, precious and rare metals, products based on them, as well as by-products.

JSC “Almalyk MMC” makes every effort to use natural resources in the most rational way and reduce the negative impact on the environment.

JSC “Almalyk MMC” is aware of the need for further development and implementation of modern approaches and practices in terms of environmental protection and the efficient use and saving of fuel and energy resources.

Company Mission and Values

The mission of the plant is the efficient and careful use of natural resources without causing harm to the environment and public health, providing humanity with non-ferrous metals that make the world more reliable and help to realize the hopes of people.

Key Principles of Environmental Policy

Sustainable development as a balanced satisfaction of current economic, environmental and social needs without prejudice to the needs of future generations;

Presumption of potential environmental hazard of the Combine's activities;

Priority for the company of taking preventive measures over measures to eliminate negative environmental consequences;

Refusal to carry out developments in areas of high conservation value;

Construction of facilities taking into account the characteristics of the natural environment in the area of work (seismic and mudflow hazards, active slope processes, etc.);

Application of the best available mining technologies;

Environmentally friendly waste disposal;

Control over the safety of production processes and monitoring the state of the natural environment in the area of development;

Responsibility for environmental pollution and compensation for damage in full;

Prevention of accidents and ensuring the elimination of their consequences, including the rehabilitation of ecosystems and wildlife objects;

Taking into account the interests and rights of the population to preserve a healthy and clean environment, maintain a traditional lifestyle, cultural integrity, manage their lands and fairly compensate for their use;

Recognition of the right of the population to free, advance and informed consent or disagreement regarding the implementation of any industrial developments affecting their places of residence and nature management, livelihood. Joint decision-making on the progress of the company's projects;

Freedom of access and openness of environmentally significant information;

Openness of the plant's activities for public environmental control;

Strict compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety;

Mandatory environmental audit and implementation of environmental management system.

Goals of the Combine

Minimizing the negative impact on the components of the environment, ensuring safe and decent working conditions, introducing advanced technologies and proactively fulfilling obligations to local communities will remain priorities for JSC “Almalyk MMC”.


Objectives and Obligations

JSC “Almalyk MMC”, in its activities to ensure the environmental safety of production, sets itself the following tasks and obligations:

  • comply with the applicable requirements of the legislation in the field of ecology and environmental protection, as well as other accepted obligations to stakeholders;
  • reduce and further eliminate excessive emissions into the atmosphere and penalties – by reducing the number and scale of accidents and reducing the cost of eliminating their consequences;
  • introduce progressive technologies and management systems by saving resources and reducing losses;
  • strengthen relations with local authorities and state environmental control, the population, public environmental organizations;
  • reduce the time for project approval at the feasibility study stage and make it easier to obtain a “social license” for the development of deposits by creating a favorable image of the company and, as a result, improving relationships with all stakeholders;
  • facilitate preparation for ISO14001 certification through the implementation of an effective environmental strategy;
  • increase the competitiveness of goods and obtain additional opportunities to influence consumers through the production of environmentally friendly products;
  • get a pass to the international market and strengthen the company's position among foreign partners;
  • attract the attention of investors and facilitate access to capital, especially when financing is to be obtained from banks that share the “Equator Principles” and other international conventions in the field of environmental protection.

Mechanisms for fulfilling obligations

To achieve the tasks set by JSC “Almalyk MMC”:

  • develops profile activities, allocates funds for environmental protection;
  • plans and carries out production activities with the obligatory consideration of production and professional risks to the environment;
  • implements environmental protection measures for the management of water resources and waste, reclamation and landscaping of territories, protection of atmospheric air and increasing the energy efficiency of production processes;
  • plans to start calculating greenhouse gas emissions and managing climate risks in accordance with best practices;
  • conducts training of employees in methods of caring for natural resources by restoring and preserving a favorable environment;
  • requires contractors and subcontractors providing services at production facilities to comply with the requirements of standards and norms in the field of environmental protection.
  • conducts mandatory environmental impact assessment (EIA) when developing new, as well as when expanding or significantly changing the conditions of production and technologies used at existing fields;
  • monitors emissions of hazardous substances into the air (especially mercury, lead and greenhouse gases), and reduces their amount using special filters and scrubbers;
  • seeks to reduce land acquisition and limit land clearing through the use of mining technologies and practices that minimize environmental disturbance;
  • transfers waste for processing, recycling and final disposal (burial) only to those organizations that can confirm that they have the technologies and equipment, certified specialists, licenses and permits required for waste management;
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