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“1C: ERP system” - increasing work productivity several times

10 August 2022, 10:56 1428

The head of state gave a number of tasks to the leaders of sectors and industries at a meeting held on April 14, 2022 under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Shavkat Mirziyoyev, regarding the effectiveness of reforms in the development of information technologies and the digital economy, as well as the tasks to be carried out in the field in 2022-2023. In order to ensure the execution of these tasks, important works are being carried out at the Almalyk mining and metallurgical complex. In particular, in accordance with the "Digital Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex-2030" concept, 234 billion, consisting of 27 measures aimed at increasing the level of automation of business processes and technological processes of "Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex" JSC. A work plan worth 300,000 soums has been approved, and more than 30 additional projects are being implemented.

1C ERP system is one of the software that offers such convenient opportunities for digitalization in industrial production.

Instead of information, 1C:ERP Enterprise Management is a solution developed on the basis of the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform to create an automated complex system of enterprise information management.

We will be able to automate the main business processes through the 1C: ERP system. These are: monitoring the main indicators of the enterprise;

organization of joint services and subcontractors,

coordinating the activities of production departments;

provides facilities such as enterprise, individual department and employee performance appraisals.

This program helps to implement an automated information system of accounting, financial reporting and data consolidation. Today, a single reporting information system has been created for 46 structural divisions of the complex. As a result, the time spent on collecting reports and data, planning the budget was reduced by 50 percent, and errors in data were reduced.

-Head of Production and Practice Department of “Almalyk Mining and Metallurgy Complex” JSC, Valiyor IRISMETOV said that Today, the leadership of Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex has set global tasks before us, and a number of works are being carried out at the complex to digitize all business processes and automate production. - In particular, in the digitization of business processes, the circulation of paper documents is reduced, and documentation processes are transferred to a fully electronic system.

According to the results of the analysis conducted by Production and Practice Department of the Almalyk mining and metallurgical complex, a large amount of expenses were spent on the circulation of paper documents at the complex. In particular, orders for ordering goods and materials, their storage, and delivery to complexd enterprises and divisions according to the requests were ordered. After switching to the 1C ERP system, costs were reduced by 50 percent.  

At the same time, the application system for technologically necessary products needed for the next year at the complex is being digitized step by step. Usually, every year at the end of the year, for 2-3 months, the applications for the necessary needs are received and reviewed by the chief specialist in paper form, and orders are issued only after we switch to the digitization system, the agreement processes are only several days. By August 1, the company accepting applications will be transferred to a full digitization system.

In order to ensure the continuous operation of a huge enterprise like Almalyk Mining and Metallurgy Complex, it is important to transfer the material equipment supply warehouse service to a full digitization system. Here, all accounting operations have been transferred to the electronic system, and now there is no need to wait for hours, or even days, for a single product to be taken out of the warehouse according to the material permit.

For information, in the era of the old, paper system in the complex, a single enterprise placed an order in advance and obtained the approval of an expert in the Executive Office through a material permit in order to take out the necessary equipment or equipment stored in the material equipment supply warehouse after that, need to go to the warehouse and wait for the warehouse staff to complete the documentation work, after the accountant checked the correspondence of the orders and signatures on the papers, he had to wait for the security service representatives to compare the signatures. The main work of warehouse workers was to fill out documents. 1C: After the implementation of the ERP system, work efficiency and time saving increased several times. For example, forwarders waited for hours for an engineer's signature at the executive office in order to receive the necessary goods and materials for the enterprise, now material requests are sent online. After receiving the expert's confirmation, the forwarders come to the warehouse. Here too, before it was necessary to wait for material permits to be prepared in 4 copies for each product containing 7-8 signatures, now all document filling is done through the online system. As a result, the warehouse employees are able to deliver goods to 10-15 enterprises instead of 5-6 in 1 day. This ensures the timely delivery of important equipment in the production process of the complex, which leads to a two-fold increase in productivity.

As a result of the implementation of the "Purchase management and warehouse accounting" system on the 1C ERP platform at Almalyk Mining and Metallurgy Complex:

A unified system of procurement management and warehouse control was introduced.

Tables have been fully electronic, and orders and applications have been accepted online.

The transparency of procurement processes has been increased and an electronic archive has been created.

The time of forming, quoting and confirming orders has been reduced.

This optimized business processes at Almalyk Mining and Metallurgy Complex by 25 percent. Materials remaining in warehouses were reduced by 15 percent.

According to experts, those working in the IT sector in Uzbekistan earn an average of 30,000 soums per hour. It is not difficult to imagine what can be done with the time saved on the scale of the complex. In a word, with the introduction of the 1 C ERP systems at Almalyk Mining and Metallurgy Complex, work productivity increases several times.

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