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AMMC: export indicators for 8 months of 2023

06 September 2023, 15:4 835

The workforce of the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex, in addition to fulfilling production tasks for 8 months of this year, also achieved high results in the sale of manufactured products for export.

In particular, during the period from January to August of this year, products worth 465 million 434 thousand US dollars were exported to foreign consumers. The forecast in this direction was fulfilled by 100.4%.

In terms of products, 37,736 tons of copper products and 25,688 tons of zinc products were sold.

High rates were achieved in the export of molybdenum products (125.8%), rhenium (144%) and cadmium (141%).

Copper sulfate, sulfuric acid, tungsten, palladium powder and lead concentrate were also sold to foreign consumers.

Let us remind you that AMMC products are exported mainly to countries such as Turkey, the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Poland, Tajikistan, Indonesia, the Netherlands, China, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan. Delivery to new markets has also been established. These are Suriname, Kenya, Australia, Lithuania, Georgia, Portugal, Canada, Austria, Spain, Finland, Morocco and Singapore.

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