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Copper concentrator plant-3: grinding and flotation shop

17 October 2023, 8:41 1460

In recent years, our country has paid more and more attention to expanding the production of non-ferrous and precious metals. Great steps are being taken in this direction and major investment projects are being implemented.

In particular, the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex is constructing a copper concentrator plant -3 as part of the investment project for the development of the Yoshlik I deposit.

The new enterprise will have ore warehouses, crushing, grinding and flotation buildings, filtration vessel repair areas, tailings facilities, etc. The production process is controlled by modern equipment, reducing human participation to a minimum. At the same time, product quality increases and labor safety is ensured.

The ore entering the grinding and flotation shop goes through a crushing stage and is sorted into classes, and ore less than 60 mm in size is reduced to 6 mm or less in the fine crushing department. After this, the ore is sent to the water screening area. Then to the grinding and flotation shop, which consists of crushing-gravity and flotation sections. Its total area will be 54,844 square meters. With the launch of this workshop, more than 380 new jobs will be created

The main task of the crushing-gravity section is to prepare ore for enrichment. In particular, the ore here is crushed to 0.074 mm. The following equipment will be installed at this site: 12 mills, 48 screens, 12 hydrocyclones, 48 gravity concentrators. It is noteworthy that all of them are characterized by high performance. 3 ball mills have already been assembled, and the fourth is currently being assembled.

It should be noted that the capacity of each mill is 730 tons of ore per hour. Also, this new equipment has an advantage over the current equipment in the Complex’s factories in terms of high energy efficiency.

The new copper concentration Complex being built as part of the megaproject will mark a new milestone not only in the history of AMMC, but also in the country’s industry.

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