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115.8 billion soums of profit was obtained in the association for 7 months

11 August 2022, 12:50 1389

During the 7 months of this year, all production indicators were achieved by the scientific production association for the production of rare metals and hard alloys.

In particular, as of January-July 2022, it was planned to produce 135.6 billion soums worth of industrial products. In practice, it should be noted that the plan was fulfilled by 175.5 percent, with the production of industrial products worth 238.0 billion soums.

A $5.8 million plan was set for the export of manufactured products. In practice, 20.6 million dollars worth of products were exported, and the plan was achieved by 357.7 percent.

 The localization program is also being implemented effectively in the association. Within the framework of the program, 62,735.2 million soum worth of products were produced on the basis of 42 projects, and the plan was achieved by 100.7 percent.

It is worth noting that due to strict adherence to the technological production regime, serious approach to work and responsibility, the association made a profit of 115.8 billion soums from production in 7 months.

Information service

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