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New projects mean progress

15 March 2024, 9:58 268

Engineering school which is the only one in our Republic and meets European standards is "Blue Mountains" resort having the modern camping, State Philharmonic of Uzbekistan… and this list may be continued. Today, the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex which is in the status of a giant enterprise has been showing its initiatives in the repair and reconstruction of social objects, and in general creative works in the level of our city, as well as regional and national level while working with many large mega projects.

When it comes to the scientific and creative potential of the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex The activity of its advanced structural link - the Department of Design Works is noticeable.

If  we look at the history of the department, it was incorporated at the end of 50th years of the last century in the result of combination of Copper-molybdenum and Lead-zinc, each project in the complex is under the control of this department.

In later years it is necessary to emphasize that the projects for reconstruction and reconstruction of objects are ready, such as "Blue Mountains" family resort, AMMC’s Medical and Sanitary point, Inter-district perinatal center, “Chotqol” cultural palace in Krasnogorsk village, Uzbekistan and Belorus Technical University.

- During the conversation Bunyod Rahmatullayev deputy department said that to date, our department has implemented design works related to the reconstruction of separate technological processes, mechanization of heavy and labor-intensive work, reconstruction of engineering networks and structures, model construction sites, connecting building projects and works are being continued on the basis of estimate documents. Also, it is specially necessary to note that Odilkhon Abilkosimov chief architecture of the project, Nailya Kozlova deputy head of the department for economic affairs -  head of the division for estimation, technical and economic substantiation of projects and organization of construction projects, Aydar Yakhudin head of technological department, Shermuhammad Jurayev head of the engineering department are actively taking part in the projecting works of the Engineering school of AMMC. - Besides, “Yoshlik I” investment project is a huge task for the implementation of the project works related to the construction of new 3rd Copper Enrichment Factory which project amount is 1480 million dollars.

Today more than 100 workers are working in our department in which Bureau of Chief Project Engineers, Technological department, Department of projects for estimating the technical and economic bases of projects and organizing their construction, Architecture and construction department, General plan and transport sector, Sector of development of electrotechnical part of projects and Integrated groups for the development of project-estimate documents are running their business activity.

Despite the fact that the main activity is directed to industrial facilities, we wish success to the prospective work of the Department of Designing, which is currently contributing to many social projects.


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