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(+998 71) 619-23-33For the period from January to May 2024, the labor collective of Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex fulfilled all forecast indicators.
According to data provided by the production and cost monitoring department, since the beginning of the year, the forecast for the production of marketable goods has been fulfilled by 116.1%.
Ore mining by “Kalmakyr” ore mining department was performed by 101.5%, the growth rate in this direction amounted to +109.1%.
The growth rate for processing copper raw materials was +103.5%. The growth rate for the fulfillment of this indicator by Copper Concentrator amounted to +103.5%, by Copper Concentrator-2 - +103.5%.
The plants also met the target for copper content in concentrate (100.1%).
The copper cathode production forecast was achieved at 100.9%. The targets for copper and zinc production from own raw materials were fulfilled by 105.2% and 124.6%, respectively.
The growth rate of sulfuric acid production was +100.5%.
The staff of the “Khandiza” Mine Administration completed tasks for the extraction of polymetallic ore (101.3%), its processing (100.6%), and the zinc content in zinc concentrate (106.4%).
Also, the employees of the “Chadak” mine and the “Kauldy” mine fulfilled production targets for the extraction of gold-bearing ore, its processing and the content of the first and second metal in the concentrate.
In addition, the forecast indicators for the production of copper sulfate (100%), technical selenium (100%) and tellurium (100%), ammonium perrenate (104.9%), palladium powder (108.9%), molybdenum trioxide (105.8%) were met.
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