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Angren miners at their best

11 October 2023, 12:16 968

The workforce of the Angren Mining Administration, one of the main structural divisions of the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex, fulfilled all forecast indicators based on the results of nine months of 2023.

In particular, the extraction of gold ore amounted to 102.8%, its processing - 103.3%, the content of the first and second metals in the concentrate - 101.2%  and 132.7%, respectively.

Much work was carried out to improve and ensure safe working conditions, reduce production costs, save fuel and energy resources, solve emerging problems, and reduce production costs.

Thus, by optimizing technological processes, reducing technological losses, introducing resource-saving technologies, technical re-equipment, and improving the procurement process,  25,782,770,000 soums were saved.

Over 9 months, 55,192 million kWh of electricity was consumed against the planned 58,364 million kWh, savings amounted to 3,172 million kWh (3,172,000,000 soums).

This became possible thanks to the implementation of measures to save fuel and energy resources: replacing 150 W LED street lamps with solar photovoltaic lamps, installing frequency converters on electric motors, optimizing the maintenance of process equipment, etc.

With natural gas consumption forecast at 476,591 m3,  209,395 m3 were actually used.

As part of the technical re-equipment of workshops and divisions of Almalyk MMC JSC, the construction of a new tailings storage facility No. 2 of the gold recovery Complex has been completed and work continues on laying a 5 km long pipeline for drainage of mine water at this facility.

By the end of the year, it is planned to improve the automated dispatch control system “Mining Dispatcher” for the Kyzyl Alma and Razvedochnaya mines, to reconstruct the MTS base warehouse (installation of video cameras, construction of a perimeter fence, repair of storage facilities), to modernize mine lifting and drainage installations of shafts “Home", "Exploration", "Blind-Capital" ARU mines, construction of waste rock storage warehouses at the "Samarchuk" site, etc.

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