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RM HAR and PA: results of activities for 2023

06 January 2024, 12:39 666

The workforce of the research and production association for the production of rare metals and hard alloys AMMC completed 2023, exceeding the forecast indicators.

In particular, to employees of the association was given a task to produce industrial products worth 444.4 billion soums 2023. In fact for the reporting period, export of products amounted to 611.2 billion soums, the forecast was in this direction was fulfilled by 137.5%. The growth rate was 166.8%.

In terms of products: 37.8 tons of tungsten concentrate were produced, forecast fulfillment was 121.5%.

1,215.7 tons of ammonium tetramolybdate salt were also produced, the forecast was fulfilled by 111.4%. Molybdenum trioxide produced 1,177.3 tons (forecast - 110.1%).

In addition, 782.3 tons of molybdenum sticks and briquettes were produced (forecast - 111.4%), 1,007.0 tons of refractory ceramic products (forecast - 100.4%).

The forecast for the export of manufactured products was fulfilled by 166.3%. Products worth 48.314 million US Dollars were supplied to foreign consumers.

Within the framework of the Localization Program, 49 projects were implemented during the reporting period, products worth 89.2 billion soums were produced, the forecast was 100% fulfilled.

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