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Results of activities for 11 months

13 December 2023, 15:28 513

During the period from January to November, the workforce of the research and production association for the production of rare metals and hard alloys AMMC achieved high production results.

In particular, during the reporting period, industrial products were produced in the amount of 571.2 billion soums, the forecast was fulfilled by 141.1% The growth rate in this direction was +166.4%.

In terms of products: the forecast for the production of tungsten concentrate was fulfilled by 121.3%34.7 tons of this product were produced. Molybdenum trioxide produced 1079.1 tons, the forecast was fulfilled by 110.3%.

In addition, 750.6 tons of molybdenum sticks and briquettes were produced, the forecast was fulfilled by 109.1%.

High results were also recorded in the production of refractory ceramic products. 924.6 tons of these products were produced, the forecast was fulfilled at 100.6% of the plan.

The company also effectively implements the Localization Program. Thus, within the framework of the Program, 49 projects were implemented, products worth 78.7 billion soums were produced, the forecast was fulfilled by 102.8%.

Along with this, the export forecast was fulfilled by 171.4%. Products worth US$45.386 million were exported to foreign consumers.

It is worth noting that the association’s workforce completed production targets for 2023 ahead of schedule.

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