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Today is the day of “Culture and Art Workers”

15 April 2024, 10:53 267

Every year, April 15 is widely celebrated in our country as "Culture and Art Workers' Day". Representatives of the industry also work at the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine, which is considered a large industrial enterprise.

In particular, representatives of the industry are working in the "Metallurg" palace of culture and in pre-school educational organizations under the management of the Department of Social Facilities.

The Palace of Culture "Metallurg" under the management of JSC "Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine" was completed from 1952 to 1964 and put into use in November 1964.

This place is considered one of the most prominent cultural palaces not only in the city of Almalyk, but also in the Tashkent region and the Republic.

In particular, the "Metallurg" palace of culture bases its work on the political and cultural development of Uzbekistan, relying on the best traditions of world culture and the multi-ethnic culture of our country, to further strengthen the attention to young people, to educate them in culture, aims to raise and promote reading and reading culture.

Artistic amateur teams operating in the "Metallurg" palace of culture actively participate in all festive events held in the palace of culture, in our city, in the workshops and departments of the combine. In addition, they regularly participate in events and competitions held in our city, Tashkent region and the Republic.

Currently, 25 artistic amateur teams are working in the "Metallurg" palace of culture.

The number of children participating in artistic amateur teams of "Metallurg" MS is more than 550.

In particular, the exemplary national dance ensemble "Sitora" for adults, the Uzbek dance team "Bahor", the folk dance ensemble "Kaleidoscope", the folk dance ensemble "Edelweiss", the dance team "Shodiyona", the folk circus team "Raduga", "Nihol" ” vocal group, “Prestige” vocal group, “Dutorchi girls” ensemble, “Kurama” folklore ethnographic group, “Teatr pesni” studio, “Navo” status club are working.

There are the national artistic dance ensemble "Sitora", "Gulguncha" children's dance ensemble, "Kaleidoscope" folk dance ensemble, "Surprise" children's dance ensemble, "Edelweiss" folk dance ensemble, "Zarb" dance ensemble, "Tarona" the activities of amateur groups such as exemplary children's vocal group, "Rainbow" children's amateur drama group, "Shodlik" children's dance ensemble, "Kolibri" children's vocal group, "Tantana" children's dance ensemble, "Raduga" folk circus group for children.

"Sitora" large group, "Gulguncha" small group, "Zarb" circle ensemble, "Kaleidoscope" folk dance ensemble, "Surprise" children's dance ensemble, "Edelweiss" folk dance ensemble medium and small groups, "Raduga" folk circus ensembles of the Republic won prizes in competitions.

It is worth noting that "Edelweiss" folk dance ensemble, "Kaleidoscope" folk dance ensemble, and "Raduga" folk circus teams are successful in many international competitions.

In 2018, the "Metallurg" palace of culture was completely reconstructed and brought to a modern look at the initiative of the leadership of AMMC.

Today, the "Metallurg" palace of culture hosts many prestigious events in the city of Almalyk, Tashkent region and the country.

Yulia Koldakova, ballet master and choreographer of the "Kaleidoscope" folk dance ensemble, was awarded the "Fame" medal on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of AMMC.

The library operating under the Palace of Culture "Metallurg" also serves the workers of the combine. The fund of the library is being replenished every year with literature published during the years of independence. The library staff has been organizing "Spiritual Hours" on various topics in the combined workshop and departments in order to further increase the effectiveness, vitality and effectiveness of the promotion of the national idea and spiritual-educational work. Today, the library has 24,500 art books. The library also supplies children's summer camps with art books.

It is worth noting the work of 45 technical staff of the Department of Social Facilities, who have been providing services at the "Metallurg" Palace of Culture.

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the employees of culture and art, who have been giving us joy on our good days, with professional holidays on behalf of the entire collective labor team.

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