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Special tactical training exercises were held at the copper concentrating plant

01 April 2024, 9:52 553

On March 29 of this year, special tactical exercises were held at the AMMC copper processing plant.

The event on the topic “Actions of civil defense units and the State Emergency Service subsystem in the event of man-made emergencies at a copper processing plant” was attended by military personnel of the military unit of the command for the protection of particularly important facilities of the Ministry of Defense, the leadership of the CCP, the civil defense detachment, the Almalyk city emergency department, representatives of the department for ensuring fire safety at AMMC facilities.

According to the exercise scenario, as a result of an earthquake that occurred on the territory of the enterprise, a fire broke out in crushing shop No. 1. Firefighting personnel are extinguishing the fire.

Rescue services are evacuating the victims. Medical personnel provide first aid to the victims.

Next, all necessary measures are taken to strengthen the security of the facility and inventory items, and to restore damage.

At the end of the event, the responsible persons analyzed the mistakes made. Based on the results of the exercise, the actions to eliminate the emergency were rated “good.”

Giyos Lapasov,

Deputy Director of the Moscow Foundation

for Preservation of Precious Metals

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