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Discussion of production and training integration

15 June 2023, 14:13 1886

On June 15, a meeting was held at the Ministry of Investments, Industry and Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the issues of developing the integration of production and training.

At the event organized in pursuance of the Decree of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 10, 2023 “On the preparation of medium-term and long-term policy documents for reforming the sectors of the economy, the social sphere, state and public administration and the judicial and legal system, based on the priority ideas of the New Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan , was attended by the Deputy Chairman of the Board of JSC Almalyk MMC for personnel and social issues Sady Shermatov and the head of the AMMC training center Doniyor Karimov.

The event was also attended by the deputy chairmen of Navoi MMC JSC and Uzmetkombinat JSC for personnel, heads of training centers, responsible persons of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Almalyk branches of NUST MISIS and Tashkent State Technical University, as well as Navoi State Mining -technological university.

During the event, issues of training, together with higher educational institutions, qualified and mature specialists for new enterprises being built in connection with the rapid development of the metallurgical industry were discussed.

Representatives of the AMMC made a proposal to train specialists in such narrow areas as automation based on modern technologies and powder metallurgy by higher educational institutions.

At the end of the event, a general commission was established to carry out the above tasks.

For reference: within the framework of the investment project “Development of the Yoshlik I deposit” being implemented at the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Plant, a copper processing plant-3 is being built. In addition, a machine-building plant, a lime plant, and a metallurgical complex will be built within the framework of the project. For the operation of these enterprises, undoubtedly, qualified specialists are needed.

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