- In January 2024, a new dormitory for 200 people was built for workers of the Khandiza mine administration of AMMC who come from afar. On 24th January, a grand opening ceremony of this facility was held.
- In the Yangiyul district, 2 elevators were renovated in the building of the Society of the blind of Uzbekistan. At the expense of charitable funds, 2 elevators were replaced with new ones in the building of the sanatorium for cardiovascular and neurological diseases of the Society of the blind of Uzbekistan.
- In March 2024, the new garment factory, built with the financial support of AMMC, was put into operation in the village of Chadak, Pap district, Namangan region. 520 new jobs were created here.
- The engineering school, built for the purpose of retraining professional engineering and technical workers of AMMC, began its activity in April 2024. The prototype for the engineering school was the training center of the Aurubis company, a major representative of the copper industry in Europe. Depending on the direction and topics, classes are held with the participation of foreign teachers.
- In May 2024, new artificial football fields measuring 52x32 meters were put into operation. Pupils of the AMMC football team academy aged 6-10 years train here.
- In May 2024, the “Stroiteley” Park located in Almalyk was put into operation. Due to the fact that the park with an area of 7.5 hectares is located on a sloping surface, specialists also carried out earthworks. Electricity and water supply were installed. As a result of landscaping and construction work, 3,150 tree seedlings and 25,000 flower seedlings were planted. The irrigation system for green spaces was updated. The lighting system was also updated, 20 solar floodlights were installed.
– In August 2024, the “Nuroniylar Maskani” complex was put into operation, organized in the building of hostel No. 2 of the social facilities department.
This institution has created conditions for meaningful leisure for labor veterans of the AMMC. Here they can enjoy reading literature, play checkers and chess. As a result of the repair work carried out by specialists of “Olmalik metallurg qurilish” trust, the facility acquired a new look, the facade of the building was renovated, and gazebos were installed in the courtyard of the institution. In the “Nuroniylar Maskani” complex, 30 veterans can spend their free time at the same time.
- In August 2024, about 100 women underwent urgent qualified medical examination for cardiovascular diseases.
The National medical center of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Uzbekistan, using a mobile angiograph, organized a medical examination of female workers of the plant with heart diseases in the Almalyk city medical association. In total, about 100 women underwent urgent medical examination conducted by highly qualified doctors.
- In August 2024, a children's educational organization and a residential building, built with the sponsorship of AMMC in “Eltamgali” mahalla of the Akkurgan district, were put into operation.
The kindergarten is located in a separate 2-storey building and is designed for 80 children. The institution is fully equipped. Hot and cold-water supply systems, sewerage, and heating have been updated. The two-storey residential building has 14 two-room apartments. Their owners are 14 families who have lost their breadwinner and need social protection. For 40 years, the buildings were in the long-term construction category. Now they are a modern cozy kindergarten and a residential building.
- In September 2024, the “Mobile angiograph” mobile hospital was brought to the Medical sanitary unit, where the plant's employees underwent a free medical examination.
The mobile hospital conducted a comprehensive medical examination of more than 600 patients under dispensary observation. Of those examined, 401 patients underwent high-tech coronary angiography. More than 100 of them were referred for surgery, more than 20 patients were operated on. The mobile hospital was equipped with advanced technologies for early and highly accurate diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases, ranging from angiographic equipment to everything necessary for all types of heart surgery. More than 20 specialists were involved in this examination, including a cardiac surgeon, cardiologist, surgeon, proctologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, traumatologist, arrhythmologist and other narrow specialists.
- On October 31, 2024, the opening of preschool educational organization No. 12 of the social facilities department took place after a major overhaul, carried out with the sponsorship of AMMC.
Preschool educational organization "Daryocha" was put into operation back in 1964 and is designed for 96 places. The contractor, "Olmalik metallurg kurilish" trust, completed the finishing works of the building, renovated the canteen, laundry, food storage rooms, group rooms, staff rooms, summer verandas, summer pool, amphitheater, etc. The heating system, cold and hot water supply, sewer pipes were completely updated, plumbing equipment and lighting in the premises were replaced, fire alarm, video surveillance and communication systems were installed. In addition, new swings, slides, fairy-tale houses, etc. were installed on the playgrounds.
- The renovated football field for the students of the FC “AGMK” Football Academy was put into operation in the sports complex of the plant. The site has an artificial surface produced by the Turkish company Hatko, which meets modern requirements and has a FIFA quality certificate.
- 22.2 billion UZS of sponsorship funds were allocated for the repair of boilers and the heating system of social facilities in the Tashkent region (preschool educational organizations, schools, hospitals, family clinics).
- Sponsorship funds in the amount of 1 billion UZS were allocated for the purpose of material support for residents of Khadra, Gulbozor, Chakar and Takhtapul mahallas of Shaykhantakhur district in need of social protection, as well as for the organization of improvement works in these areas.
- The construction of the substation (PS 110 kV) and the cable network on the territory of “Yunusobod City” was sponsored by AMMC.
- For the purpose of gratuitous social and material support of specialized boarding school No. 34 (Angren), construction materials were allocated for the repair of residential buildings in this institution.
- Currently, with the sponsorship of AMMC, the works for underway on the major repairs of the central multidisciplinary city polyclinic of Bekabad. The reconstruction, for which funds in the amount of 2 billion UZS were allocated, is planned to be completed by the end of 2024.
- Major repairs with the sponsorship of AMMC were also carried out in the “Muruvvat” House in the Syrdarya region.
Sponsorship assistance in the amount of 22.5 billion UZS was allocated for the construction of specialized boarding school No. 71, located in Syrdarya region.
As part of the campaigns held under the mottos "100 Matonatli Ayol", "Birgalikda Bayram Qilamiz", "Biz Birgamiz!", "Matonatigiz oldida bosh egamiz!" "Yurakdan Yurakka", social and financial aid was provided to 1,800 needy people and people with disabilities.
Tourist excursions were organized under the motto "Uzbekistan boylab sayohat qil". 1,134 employees were given vouchers at discounted prices, 532 of them received vouchers for free.
More than 5 thousand employees and their family members were recuperated in the sanatoriums and health resorts of the Almalyk mining and metallurgical complex and republican health resorts.
During the summer health season of the current year, 4,357 children of AMMC employees rested in the children's camps of the plant. 342 of them received free vouchers.
Every month, 1,151 AMMC pensioners, participants in the labor front of World War II, internationalist soldiers, and participants in the liquidation of the Chernobyl NPP accident were given food packages.
In 2024, 278 women, 35 people with disabilities, 14 orphans and those under guardianship were employed at AMMC.
7.5 billion UZS were allocated for the repair of apartment buildings, mahallas and social facilities in Almalyk.
Sponsorship assistance in the amount of 2 billion UZS was provided for the improvement of the mahallas of Bekabad.
820 million UZS were allocated for the asphalting of the territory of the Khilol mosque in Almalyk.
657 million UZS were allocated for the improvement of the mahallas of the Yangiyul district.
Solar photovoltaic stations with a capacity of 652 kW were installed at social facilities.
As part of the “Yashil Makon” (Green Land) project, 1.5 million seedlings of various fruit and ornamental trees were planted on 243 hectares of land.