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Enterprise conquering the world market

16 July 2022, 8:18 1363

At the initiative of the head of our state, a strategy for creating an effective copper cluster has been developed in our country. It is planned to increase copper ore mining and copper production to 400,000 tons in the coming years. According to him, Uzbekistan plans to produce not only copper as a raw material, but also high-value copper products with deep processing.

" Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex " JSC took the first steps in this direction much earlier.

In particular, the production of products that fully meet the demands of the world market at the Angren Pipe Plant, which started its operation in 2014, is rising to a new level every year. If we take into account that 7 percent of the industrial products produced in our country and 15 percent of the export volume correspond to the share of the joint venture, we are sure that Angren Pipe Plant has a special place in these indicators.

In the first year of its operation, the company developed 70-80 copper pipes of different sizes, thicknesses and diameters, and today the product range exceeds 180. Kombinat copper pipes have their regular customers in Bulgaria, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Belarus. The plant has been achieving significant results in meeting the internal needs of the complex and implementing the localization program. The production of square copper pipes and copper bars, which were previously imported from Kazakhstan and Russia, has also been mastered in recent years.

There are a number of reasons why our company has gained high recognition in the domestic and foreign markets, and more than 90 percent of the manufactured products are exported. – says first category engineer Baxtiyor Tohirov. - First of all, Almalyk cathode copper, which is considered our main raw material, has an extremely clean composition, as well as the extremely perfect and efficient production technology, the quality of the manufactured product, durability, resistance to high pressure and temperatures, ease of use due to the high flexibility and stretchability of copper pipes. The results achieved since the beginning of the year and in the last reporting month show that our factory is taking the right steps towards its goals and direction. In particular, 601.2 tons of finished products were produced last month. During the last 6 months of the year, 3249.2 tons of products were produced, and the forecast was fulfilled by 104.8 percent more. The rate of growth was 131.0 percent compared to the same period last year. In addition, 3.4 tons of copper pipes were prepared for the internal needs of "Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex" JSC. Having thoroughly studied the demands and needs of consumers in our republic and foreign countries the works are being carried out on production of copper pipes of complex shape and copper fittings used in the installation of air conditioning systems, double terminal connectors, diameter 29 mm, used for crimping cable cores. from 42 mm. straight copper pipes, capillary copper pipes, copper ring.

Our dedicated employees such as Khairulla Mamadinov, Bobur Mirzakomilov, Bakhtigul Turdaliyeva, Abdujalil Malikov, Ahmadjon Saidalimov, Azizbek Kulmatov, Daniyor Bahromov and Tursunali Kasimov are role models for their colleagues in the consistent implementation of technological processes and achieving high quality indicators.

As mentioned above, the products of the Angren Pipe Plant have found regular buyers in the consumer market due to their high quality. The products are involved in constant laboratory tests, and their quality indicators are being ensured. The fact that the predicted product cost in the last reporting month was 20,103,164 thousand soums instead of 21,263,790 thousand soums indicates that work is being done effectively in this direction as well.

In a word, the Angren Pipe Plant will undoubtedly remain an experimental school of the complex in the production of demanding, competitive exportable products with deep processing of copper products.


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