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The staff training issue was discussed

14 July 2023, 10:54 1846

On July 13 of the current year specialists of Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex and “GP Günter Papenburg AG” corporate group held an online meeting.

During the meeting the parties discussed the issue of training specialists for the German corporate group in cooperation with AMMC. The issue of organization of German language training of future specialists was also considered.

For reference, an agreement was reached between the combine and this corporate group on training of young people in Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical College under the program developed on the basis of German educational standard.

After being trained in specialties in demand, the young employees will undergo three-year dual training at the Group’s enterprises located in the city of Halle.

Having passed the relevant exams, the young specialists will work at the Group’s enterprises for 5 years. Having gained experience, they will return to Uzbekistan to contribute to increasing the country’s economic power.

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