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Current achievements of chemical-energetic workers

03 June 2022, 8:34 1104

The Heat power center which is the one of the main energy enterprises of "Almalyk MMC" JSC is considered one of the enterprises that require reliable and continuous operation. Ensuring the water mode of steam boilers and water preparation work are of great importance in fully satisfying the needs of the enterprises of the complex for energy sources. The chemists-energetics of the center are fulfilling these tasks with honor.

Artesian water delivered through industrial water supply networks, according to its main characteristics, cannot be used by heat power center without first undergoing deep treatment. Discharged water is fully treated with the help of chemical water purification devices equipped with cotton filters.

The thermal power center has an incubator for mineral salt deposits, water intake tanks, IOMS working solution tanks, pump dispensers, water salinization devices, and its own laboratory that constantly determines the composition of the water being drawn. In this laboratory, which is part of the chemical shop, the chemists of the shop were able to create a unique experimental school while performing complex and multi-stage tasks. They are celebrating their professional holidays with their enthusiastic and effective work.

Each member of the team has a special role in making the chemical shop an important structural unit of the center. We always rely on the skills of qualified employees such as Rihsi Kochkarova - production foreman, Nazira Kurbanova chemical analysis laboratory technician, and Sergey Mesnikin experienced plumber-repairer.

Water purification technicians Svetlana Sherbakova, Nasiba Mamatkulova, Tatyana Alyonina, Mehriniso Koziyeva are able to intelligently manage the processes in the workshop. Young apparatus workers such as Mohinur Akromjonova and Shoira Abdurahmonova also mastered the processes consistently in a short period of time.

In cooperation with the management and specialists of the center, great importance is being paid to improving the operation of water purification and chemical treatment devices in the workshop. The fact that new reagents are being used and dosing processes are being updated is reflected in the production indicators. The contribution of the Chemical Shop team has been invaluable in ensuring the main production indicators which equal to 40 mW/h for electricity, 390 t/h for steam and 420 Gcal/h for hot water in the heat power center.

We would like to take this opportunity to sincerely congratulate Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex chemists, including the workers of the Chemical Shop team of Heat Power Center with professional holidays and wish them continued success in their honorable professions.


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