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AMMC motorists celebrated their professional holiday

23 October 2023, 8:58 933

On October 20 of this year, road transport workers at the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex celebrated their professional holiday.

The heroes of the occasion were congratulated by the Chairman of the Board of Almalyk MMC JSC Abdulla Khursanov, emphasizing the significant role of the Complex’s motorists in the implementation of production tasks and contribution to the implementation of investment projects.

In connection with the holiday, based on the order of the Chairman of the Board of AMMC, 10 leading production workers were awarded “Mining Glory” badges of various degrees, 28 particularly distinguished workers were awarded Certificates of Honor and 30 were awarded valuable gifts.

The festive atmosphere was provided by a concert program prepared by the teams of the Metallurg Palace of Culture, as well as fiery songs by the famous pop artist Muhammadziyo.

For reference: Today, AMMC has two structural divisions related to the automotive industry: the departments of automobile and technological transport.

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