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High yield from AMMC fields

03 August 2023, 10:16 1761

This year, farmers of Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex gathered a particularly good harvest of wheat grown on 600 hectares of land.

Last year, workers of the agricultural section for production and fodder procurement of the Consumer Product Division planted high-yielding varieties of wheat “Vassa”, “Antonina” and “Alekseevich” on the territory of Akhangaran and Pskent districts.

It should be noted that before sowing wheat all necessary agrotechnical measures were carried out in a timely manner. Each hectare of wheat was fertilized with 300 kg of ammophos, 250 kg of nitrate, 200 kg of urea mineral fertilizer and compost from the time of sowing to the beginning of harvesting operations. Fields were treated with herbicides and other chemicals in a timely manner to control various weeds.

A special working group was established, whose task was to make thorough preparations for a timely harvest of wheat without losses.

The average yield of each hectare was 55.2 c/ha. High yield was noted in brigades headed by F.Rustamov - 68.8 c/ha, B.Akhmedov - 64.6 c/ha and F.Badalov - 60.0 c/ha.

Four special harvesters were involved in the harvesting season, as well as 10 units of vehicles of the Utility Vehicles Department and the Fire Safety Department.

A total of 3,310 tons of wheat was harvested from 600 hectares in 2023.

From the total amount of harvested crop 1 200 tons are planned to be sold to the city residents and employees of the plant in the form of bread and bakery products. 1,800 tons of wheat will be used to feed more than a thousand head of cattle at the Consumer Product Division dairy farm. The remaining 200 tons will be planted for a crop planned for 2024. 

Seeding work is currently being finalized in accordance with the approved plan.

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