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The day of miners and metallurgists were certified with folk festivals

20 May 2023, 13:56 1684

Today, on the eve of the Day of workers of the mining and metallurgical industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan, mass festivities took place in Almalyk, which caused vivid and unforgettable emotions among the townspeople and guests of the city.

To the sounds of karnays and surnays, festive events began in the early morning, taking place around the Metallurg Palace of Culture and in the Youth park.

The teams of the structural subdivisions of AMMC organized the exhibition of products and models of production, as well as special equipment. Various entertainment events were also organized for the guests of the holiday. Competitions in checkers and chess, tug of war, wrestling and boxing, and arm wrestling were held on the territory of the Youth park.

Near the park "Bolajon" amateur art groups of the Palace of Culture "Metallurg" presented a concert program that gave Almalyk residents a festive mood.

At the end, the results of the competition of the exhibition among the divisions of the plant were summed up. The winners in various nominations were awarded valuable gifts.

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