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Geology of kovuldi mine: glorious history, today's achievements

01 November 2022, 9:52 1027

Mining companies presently operating in our republic such as Muruntov, Qorakutan, Zarmitan, Marjonbuloq belong to Navoi mining and metallurgy complex and Kuchbuloq, Kyzyl olma, Samguron, Kalmoqqir, Khondiza, Kovuldi and other mines belong to Angren mining department at “Almalyk MMC” JSC are basis of the economy of our country. It can be seen that a lot of attention is paid to the mining sector in our country. In particular, AMMC, which is considered the only copper-producing enterprise in Uzbekistan, produces 90% of silver and 20% of gold produced in our country. Kovuldi mine, which is considered one of the oldest gold mining mines in our country, is one of the mining enterprises with its own history and prestige not only in AMMC, but also in our country. In 2002, the transfer of the Kovuldi mine to the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex opened a new era in its production life. First, it is necessary to dwell in detail on the geological survey, commissioning and prospects of the mine, which celebrated its 40th anniversary a few years ago. Also, in turn, it depends on the activity of employees of the geological field.

In particular, reserves of copper-molybdenum ores of JSC "Almalyk MMC" for exploitation of more than 100 years, gold-containing ores for 30 years, polymetallic ores for more than 60 years, and limestone and soil rocks for more than 90 years have been explored. Among the underground mines of AMMC, the Kovuldi mine is one of the oldest mines in our republic.

The Almalyk ore region has been known to us since ancient times, and various old mine deposits from the 9th - 12th centuries AD provide information about this. From this we know that our ancestors mined and processed copper, lead, various precious stones and gold from ancient times. The first geological explorations carried out in Central Asia date back to the 70s and 80s of the 19th century. This search was carried out by I.V. Mushketov, G.D. Romanov, N.A. Seversov, and V.N. Weber. As a result of the conducted geological exploration and research, it became known that there is a large amount of reserves of mineral resources in the Almalyk ore district. At the end of the 50 years of the last century, the representatives of the specialized Oktuproq detachment, which was organized as part of the Almalyk Geological-exploration expedition, determined the presence of a vein of quartz-sulfide ore, and based on this, Ye.B. begins to learn. As a result of the geological research carried out in 1965-1966, thanks to the research and efforts of geologists such as I.I.Dabija, Ye.Z.Meshaninov, L.V.Goncharov, the existence of the Kovuldi mine and its industrial reserves were found in the Almalyk ore district. Of course, these were established based on the results of core drilling samples. In 1968, preliminary and detailed exploration were started, and the studied object is called the "Central" section of the Kovuldi mine. The part located 800 m south of the main ore body and where preliminary exploration work was carried out in 1971 was named "Southern Kovuldi". In 1972-1974, Ye.Z.Meshaninov carried out exploration and evaluation work in this part of the mine. Detailed reconnaissance work began in 1978. The Central section of the mine has been mined since 1974 due to the growth of reserves. On the flanks of the Central Kovuldy in 1971, during the research conducted by the geologist I.I. Dabija, the "Southern" section was found. Over the next four years, exploration and evaluation work was carried out on a large scale here, preliminary reconnaissance work was carried out in 1978-79, detailed reconnaissance work was carried out in two stages. In 1979-1982, detailed studies were carried out in the first phase, in 1984-87, in the second phase. In December 2003, the first stage of capital construction of the site was completed and put into use. Currently, the II phase of the opening and mining of the "Yujny" site is underway.

During the past 10 months of this year, the ore extraction plan by Kovuldi miners increased by 101.9%, the mining plan by 115.1%, the operational - exploration work by 111.6%, the rock mining plan by 106%, 9%, the ore processing plan was completed by 103.1%, and the flux preparation plan by 103%. Behind this victory of labor is the work of land treasurers - mining geologists.

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