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A presentation of a new metallurgical complex was held for mahalla residents

03 April 2024, 14:49 644

On March 3, public hearings were held at “Kurpasoy” and “Sufi Olloyor” community citizens meetings aimed at informing residents about the construction work of the new metallurgical complex.

The event was attended by decision-makers and specialists of AMMC, members of the “Seven Mahallas” and residents of mahallas.

During the event, there was also a presentation of a new metallurgical complex being built at AMMC as part of the implementation of the investment project “Development of the Yoshlik I deposit.”

Obid Zhonsaidov, Deputy Head of the Investment Department: “The launch of a new metallurgical complex - an analogue of the existing copper smelter, equipped with the most modern equipment, will create many new jobs. In the future, our youth will work at this enterprise. It is worth noting that because of the launch of the new complex, the level of gas emissions purification will increase by 30%. The relevance of the implementation of this project lies in the fact that the cathode copper produced by the plant is the main raw material for enterprises in the electrical industry of Uzbekistan. An increase in copper cathode production capacity will also contribute to an increase in production volumes of finished copper products (cables, pipes, foil, fittings) with added value.

Participants of the event received visual materials to familiarize themselves with the ongoing project.

Residents of mahallas also received answers to their questions.

AMMC export indicators for the first quarter of 2024:

During the first quarter of this year, the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex exported products worth $129,860,000, the forecast in this area was fulfilled by 106.9%.

During the reporting period, 11,324 tons of copper products were supplied to foreign consumers (the forecast was fulfilled by 116.7%) and 7,163 tons of zinc products (103.8%).

In addition, the forecast indicators for the export of rhenium, cadmium, copper sulfate, palladium powder, molybdenum products and lead concentrate were achieved.

For reference: AMMC products are exported to more than 20 countries around the world. The geography of exports is expanding from year to year. In particular, in 2023, new export markets for copper rod and copper sulfate have been tapped: the USA, Mexico and Finland.

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