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One more step to the finish

13 July 2022, 8:42 1161

The Department of Industrial Railway Transport of the AMMC, which employs more than three thousand people, has its own contribution to every success achieved by AMMC today, which is once again reflected in the production indicators of the enterprise. One of the leading shops in Industrial Railway Transport Department, the 1st Railway Shop is the locomotive of the enterprise.

This workshop which main task is to deliver the mountain rocks to the Copper enrichment factory and reserve mines from the Kalmokgyr mine was founded in 1954. If we turn to history, the first excavations were initially transported by the workshop team in "Shkoda" electric locomotives. As we mentioned above, the transportation of ores from the Kalmokgyr mine to the copper beneficiation plant started on February 23, 1959. At that time, 2VS-60 self-tipping dump trucks with a load capacity of 60 tons were used and soon self-tipping wagons with a load capacity of 105 tons were brought. Over the years, with the increase in the mining capacity of the Kalmokgyr mine, the demand for new high-efficiency railway equipment has increased. Currently, the shop has 42 PEU(M) tractor units and 505 dump trucks.

The department carries out its activities divided into operation of rolling stock, organization of trains and electric locomotives, and repair depot of electric locomotives and dump trucks. There are 6 railway stations for the safe transportation of goods and they are equipped with auto-blocking and semi-auto-blocking devices.

We can mention the new railway activity as one of the other important innovations in the activity of the workshop. In particular, the construction of the "Porodnaya-Yoshlik" two-branch diverter was started in 2020. To date, all construction works are nearing completion. It is planned to equip "Yoshlik" station with new modern railway equipment.

In the last six months of this year, the railway workers of the team have fulfilled the planned indicators at a high pace. Including removal of upper layers - 6,518,630 m3, transportation of ores - 17,257. The fact that 804 tons and 12,905,300 m3 of rocks were transported indicates the new milestones of the workshop. After all, new milestones mean new steps. Behind these triumphant figures, the selflessness and enthusiasm of the team members who are disciplined and know their work thoroughly are duly recognized. Electric locomotive driver Rahim Isabekov and his assistant Oybek Omonov, electric locomotive drivers Umid Bahromov, Dilmurod Mamatkulov, Elyor Abduvaliyev, as well as assistant drivers Dilmurod Eshboyev, Bahrom Jamolov, and Bobur Toychiev are mentioned among the worthiest.


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