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Milestones of success

28 October 2022, 9:52 871

... Large conveyors, sharp-toothed grinders, and constantly rotating mills indicate that the work front here is continuous. This is how the working scene at the 2nd copper beneficiation factory of "Almalyk MMC" JSC, which currently has the capacity to process 4.7 million tons of ore and stone raw materials per year.

Until 1998, lead-zinc ores from the Lead, Altin, and Uch-Kuloch mines were processed in the factory, which has been in operation for 70 years.

Since 1998, the factory was transferred to the processing of copper-molybdenum ore from the Sarik-Chokhki mine. In addition to Sarik-Choghi ores, the Complex also reprocesses waste slag from copper smelting production.

The collective copper-molybdenum concentrate obtained during ore processing is sent to the copper processing plant for selection, and the copper concentrate is sent to the copper smelter to obtain copper concentrate and molybdenum intermediates.

The factory includes Grinding, Grinding and flotation shop, Waste collection shop. Its technological scheme provides for the production of collective copper and molybdenum concentrates by carrying out three-stage crushing and two-stage crushing.

According to production prospects for 2022, 4.7 tons of raw materials, including 4 mln. tons of ore, 700,000 tons of waste and converter rock will be processed and sent to the copper beneficiation factory and the copper smelter in the form of a concentrate.

According to today's summary, the main production results of the enterprise have been showing at a high pace since January of this year. In particular, the processing of raw materials was completed by 100.9% compared to the plan, and the plan for receiving raw materials was completed by 100.7%.

The fact that the output of copper to the concentrate was 112.4% compared to the plan is a sign that the company is moving towards new goals, of course.

Behind these successful milestones and progress, the names of the dedicated people who work tirelessly will be duly recognized. In particular, mill machinists of the crushing and flotation department - H. Abdurakhmonov, A. Khidirboyev, M. Koldoshev, I. Kadirov, miller of the grinding department, grinders - M. Ghazikulov, I. Isobekov, F. Ergashev and A.Sattorkhanov, a repairman and plumber of the waste collection department, A.Abduvaliyev, a tractor operator, A.Abdukakhorov, an electric welder, are examples and models of their hard work and dedication to their profession.



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