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New metallurgical complex: documentation is being developed

24 February 2023, 12:43 1472

The team of the Directorate for the Construction of Metallurgical Complex Facilities (DSOMK), together with well-known foreign companies, continues to work on the implementation of the investment project “Development of the Yoshlik I deposit”, aimed at expanding the capacities of the metallurgical production of JSC Almalyk MMC.

Specialists of the company NATCH have started to carry out a preliminary feasibility study (PFS) of the chosen Flash Smelting-Flash Converting technology - flash smelting and flash converting. At this stage, the design criteria are determined, according to which the PFS will be developed.

Metso Outotec is carrying out basic engineering (BI) for the construction of a new metallurgical complex. The result of the BI is the development of the main technological documentation and planning solutions. Basic engineering will be carried out in two stages over 11 months. It consists of seven lots, each of which, in turn, consists of certain sections and documents.

On January 23, the Lot No. 2 was received, which contains documents describing the technological process of the new metallurgical production, preliminary costs of materials, energy balance.

Technological schemes and a list of technological equipment with a long production time are presented. Also, the plan of the construction site and the master plan of the new plant were submitted for consideration by the AMMC specialists.

The employees of the directorate for the construction of metallurgical complex facilities study these documents and discuss them with specialists from Metso Outotec.

Thus, at the request of Metso Outotec, the terms of reference for engineering and geological surveys were prepared for the development of project documentation and posted on the website of JSC Almalyk MMC to determine the estimated cost.

Based on the data presented, technical specifications for the construction of power supply facilities that are not included in the area of responsibility of Metso Outotec were developed, namely, technical specifications for the construction of an oxygen plant with a capacity of 60 thousand m3 / hour of technical oxygen and for the construction of a circulating water supply system for electro-refining, oxygen, metallurgical, sulfuric acid production on the terms of EPC (engineering, procurement and installation of equipment, construction).

The workers of TOMK continue the construction of a workers' camp. Construction and installation work on the construction of 14 dormitories and an administrative building was completed. Interior decoration of premises, installation of electric lighting and installation of sanitary equipment are underway. Work is underway to provide external power and heat supply to the construction camp.

Preparatory work is underway on construction sites for new facilities. TOMK specialists carry out the transfer of a drinking conduit at the construction site of the oxygen station, the dismantling of the building of the processing site and the assembly of finished products of the metallurgical workshop of the Copper-Smelting Plant to prepare the site for electrorefining production, earthworks for the removal of soil for sulfuric acid production.


Deputy Chief Engineer for Technology –

Chief of Technical Dept. of the Directorate for

Construction of Metallurgical Complex Facilities


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