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AMMC: results of production activities for the first quarter

04 April 2023, 8:57 1675

For the first quarter of the current year, the workforce of the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine met all the forecast indicators.

In particular, the task for the production of marketable products was completed by 102.3%. According to the forecast, it was planned to produce this product in the amount of 6 828 365 414 000 UZS, but in fact, products were produced in the amount of 6 985 940 327 000 UZS.

The forecast for the production of consumer goods was 1 580 092 000 UZS, in fact, these products were produced in the amount of 1 684 433 000 UZS (forecast fulfillment was 106.6%), the growth rate was 126.2%.

The forecast task for the extraction of copper ore for March was fulfilled by 104.5%, for the processing of copper raw materials - by 102.7%. The task for the production of a copper cathode was completed by 100.8%, from own raw materials - by 100.9%.

According to the results of the first quarter, metal zinc was produced from own raw materials by 102.4%. In addition, the fulfillment of forecast targets for the extraction of polymetallic ores, their processing, as well as for the extraction and processing of gold-bearing ores, was ensured.

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