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AMMC: export forecasts have been fulfilled

09 March 2023, 13:40 1317

In January-February 2023, the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine fulfilled the forecast targets for the export of manufactured products.

In particular, the fulfillment of the export forecast for the reporting period was 100%; products worth 101,333,000 US dollars were delivered to foreign consumers.

In terms of products: 6,889 tons of copper products were exported, 5,235 tons of zinc products.

In addition, tasks for the export of rhenium and molybdenum products were completed.

AMMC products are exported mainly to such countries as Turkey, the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Poland, Tajikistan, Indonesia, the Netherlands, China, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan.

New sales markets are also being developed: these are Spain, Austria, Germany, Singapore, Finland, the Republic of South Africa, Senegal, Canada, Suriname, Kenya, Australia, Lithuania, Georgia, Portugal, Morocco.

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