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AMMC: Appeals from employees - to the attention of management

23 January 2024, 13:18 909

Currently, the prestige of the non-ferrous metallurgy flagship of the country - Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex in our country and far beyond its borders is growing day by day. The continuous technological chain of ore mining and processing attracts the attention of specialists from foreign companies. The copper smelter is the final link in this chain. It is here that the finished products are received - the end work result of the plant's many thousands of employees.

Let us note that the management of the enterprise is concerned not only with the implementation of planned economic indicators, timely high-quality solution of tasks assigned to the workforce, but also with ensuring occupational health and safety standards, as well as social support for workers and members of their families. At the same time, there is special control over the treatment of workers. For this purpose, meetings between management and representatives of labor collectives are held, during which comments and proposals put forward to improve working conditions are analyzed.

A similar event took place in the workforce of a copper smelter, during which a video message from an employee of the metallurgical plant, distributed on various social networks, is being reviewed.

The event was attended by representatives of the management of Almalyk MMC JSC, the Trade Union Council of Plant Workers, the Youth Union, as well as employees of the copper smelter.

At this meeting, it was emphasized that the labor collective of the copper smelter achieves high production indicators thanks to the conscientious work of specialists, as well as the introduction of rationalization proposals into technological processes and the installation of the latest equipment. They also talked about the prospects for the development of the oil refinery within the framework of the “Development of the Yoshlik I deposit” investment project.

Chief Engineer of the copper smelter Islam Umaraliev introduced the meeting participants to the theses of the extended meeting of the Security Council, held on January 12 under the chair of Shavkat Mirziyoyev, President of Uzbekistan, and Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. The speaker recalled that the head of state during the meeting emphasized the importance in the process of today's globalization to pay special attention to instilling a sense of patriotism in the consciousness of every person and creating a socially healthy environment in work collectives.

During the conversation, the appeal of the copper smelter employee was studied, his comments and suggestions were analyzed, and appropriate conclusions were drafted.

Dear workers of the plant, have you encountered problems at your workplace? Do you have any suggestions to solve them? Then you can send your requests through the telegram bot (@agmk_bot) of our channel.

And, if you witness corruption offenses being committed, we ask you to write an email to the link

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