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The AMMC team is active in the national project “Green Space”

04 November 2023, 14:52 782

As previously reported, during a video conference held by the head of our state on issues of increasing the potential of tourist and cultural sites, organizing the autumn season of the national project “Green Space”, the need to create a “Green Belt” around landfills and on the territory of large industrial enterprises was noted, planting seedlings of various trees along the perimeter of fields, on the territory of organizations and institutions.

In order to fulfill these tasks, the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Plant has begun work on landscaping the city and areas around industrial zones.

Today, as part of the national project “Green Space”, the plant’s workforce organized a public work, during which management and workers planted seedlings of various fruit and ornamental trees.

Hot meals were also provided for workers who participated in the public work.

  • - The gardens and parks we create should become places for our citizens to relax. From the intersection of the copper complex to the entrance to the city, it is necessary to plant less than 4-5 rows of poplar seedlings on both sides of the road. I believe that the plant’s workforce is capable of turning our Almalyk into a green city, - А.Khursanov said.

Abdulla Kholmuradovich also gave the responsible persons his recommendations on caring for seedlings, creating favorable conditions for people, as well as instructions that each garden should be given a name.

The management of AMMC visited a garden and a greenhouse planted on an area of 25 hectares on the territory of railway shop No 3 of the Industrial Railway Transport Department. Gardener Yashin Normatov looks after and monitors this garden and greenhouse, where quinces, lemons, oranges and tangerines are grown, as well as various flowers. The “Royal” banana is even grown here.

  • Kamola Umaraliyeva head of Management of social facilities said that today, during public work, on 2 hectares of land assigned to the management of social facilities, our workers organized a “Mothers Park”. About 1,000 sophora seedlings and 10,000 poplar seedlings were planted here.

General public work is continued tomorrow.

For reference: During these two days, plant workers will plant 476,000 seedlings of fruit and ornamental trees on 68 hectares of land.

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