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AMMC specialist had won the recognition by the president of Ajou university

15 February 2024, 20:39 583

The Specialist of the Almalyk mining and metallurgical complex Ravshan Maksumov is currently studying for a master's degree at the South Korean Ajou University. For achieving excellent academic results, he received recognition from the President of the higher educational institution.

Today, R. Maksumov is studying in the international master’s program for two diplomas “IT Business” in collaboration with the Higher School of Business and Entrepreneurship under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the South Korean Ajou University.

First of all, I would like to say thanks for the high assessment of my work, for the recognition of my achievements and successes, which, of course, are based on the trust and support of AMMC. I will definitely use the new knowledge gained during the training in the development of the factory, – noted R. Maksumov.

As a result of the digitalization of production, with the introduction of information technologies, productivity, efficiency and labor safety are increasing every year at AMMC. In 2023, 224 billion UZS were saved due to digitalization and optimization of business and technological processes.

It is worth noting that one of the priority tasks of the management of the Almalyk mining and metallurgical complex is to provide comprehensive support to young and talented specialists. With the support of AMMC, young specialists with higher education improve their knowledge and professional qualifications at prestigious universities abroad.

For reference: today, AMMC specialists are undergoing doctoral studies at Akita University in Japan and postgraduate studies at the Technical University of Freiberg Mining Academy in Germany.

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