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(+998 71) 619-23-33A competition for the best rationalization proposals aimed at increasing energy efficiency, reducing production costs and cutting expenses is being held in the structural divisions of the Almalyk mining and metallurgical complex.
On November 15 of this year, awards ceremony for the winners of this competition were held at the Copper concentrator-2 and the Industrial rail transport department.
Chairman of the Board of JSC “Almalyk MMC” Abdulla Khursanov, who was present at these ceremonies, noted that such competitions play a key role in the development of the enterprise, stimulate employees to search for new solutions and contribute to the development of production potential. He also emphasized that the management of the plant always supports innovative ideas, and promised that such events will be held on a regular basis throughout the entire AMMC.
The authors of the best proposals presented their projects, demonstrating their practical significance and potential benefits for production.
At both enterprises, specialists whose rationalization ideas were recognized as winners received cash prizes.
In particular, innovative ideas of CCP-2 process engineer Davron Akhmedov, leading engineer of the APCS service Temur Inatov, instrumentation and automation master Mikhail Nigmatullin, master Dilmurod Davlyatov, head of the tailings storage section Askarbek Jumanov, chief mechanic Komil Borliboev were recognized as winners.
For example, Temur Inatov’s rationalization proposal “Sensor for preventing longitudinal rupture of the conveyor belt” became one of such successful projects. This sensor minimizes damage to the conveyor belt, which allows avoiding long-term equipment downtime and prevents complete destruction of the belt.
It is also worth noting Davron Akhmedov’s project for the construction of a cooling tower for the equipment cooling system in the CCP-2 building. The introduction of this solution allows not only to cool industrial water, but also to use it in a closed circuit, which saves 105,392 m³ of water annually.
The winners of the competition held in the Industrial railway transport department were engineer Ibrokhim Akramov, design engineer Javlon Mingboev, rolling stock repairman Shakhzodbek Jurabekov, engineer Abdikahhor Boltayev, station master Sanjar Ergashev, service manager Sherzod Akhmedov, and software engineer Toshpulat Turakulov.
Abdikahhor Boltayev proposed a modification to the design of the lower frame of the 2ВС-105 dump car, which provided an economic effect of 8.3 billion soums per year.
The project of the head Sanjar Ergashev to improve the transportation of limestone and sand waste from the copper smelter to the railway track No. 9 of the copper concentrator will save 9.4 billion soums per year, which confirms the high significance of this innovation.
Thus, the support of innovative ideas and proposals from the management of the enterprise not only motivates specialists to new achievements, but also lays the foundation for sustainable growth and modernization of the enterprise.