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AMMC industrial fair is wide opportunity for local producers

13 October 2022, 9:35 1479

On October 11-12 of this year, an Industrial Fair on the theme "Innovation, Localization, Cooperation, "Towing", reducing imports" was held in the sports complex of AMMC in Almalyk, in cooperation with the Tashkent regional government and the Almalyk mining and metallurgical complex.

The opening ceremony of the fair was attended by Galina Saidova deputy state adviser to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Zoyir Mirzayev the governor of Tashkent region and Senator Abdulla Khursanov chairman of the AMMC board.

In total, more than 300 local manufacturers participated in the event, 62 of them with their own stands displaying more than 1000 products.

Also, an exhibition of more than 2,500 imported products was presented on the side of the complex.

In addition, an exhibition of more than 200 localized products, products of science and innovative technologies produced on the basis of the Complexd capacities was presented.

During the fair, meetings were organized in B2B format, in which issues related to the development of localized products that could meet the technical requirements of AMMC were discussed.

As part of the localization program until 2026, presentations were held on innovative projects, inventions in the scientific field, developed products and the release of new types of localized products.

Information was provided on the construction of the "Machinery Plant" and the "Almalyk Foundry-Mechanical Plant" under the investment project "Development of the Yoshlik-1 mine" in cooperation with AMMC.

Also, a presentation was held on mastering the production of a mining dump truck with a loading capacity of 130 to 220 tons with the local manufacturer "Nurafshon Special Technical" LLC.

In addition, the need for technological equipment for the implementation of new investment projects until 2030, the needs of the Complex due to the expansion of the new 3rd and 4th copper enrichment factories and the metallurgical complex were also provided.

The production of new import-substituting products will be mastered by a number of local manufacturers based on the support of the Complex under the mechanism of "towing".

For example, 36 types of products by "Almalyk Foundry-Mechanical Plant" LLC, "Nurafshon Special Technika" LLC production of mining trucks with a lifting capacity of 130 to 220 tons, polymer and geocomposite by "Deutsche innovationen technologie AMMC" LLC, "Ulugbek Ferrum" LLC produces ferromanganese and ferrochrome concentrates, and "Kuyoshcha Nuri" LLC produces KMD-200 armor, spare parts, assemblies for excavators.

It should be noted that the implementation of the Localization Program at AMMC is mainly carried out by the Central Repair Mechanics Plant, the Scientific Production Association for the Production of Rare Metals and Hard Alloys, and the Zinc Plant.

In 2021, according to the localization program, 217.2 billion soum worth of products were produced within 87 projects, and the plan was fulfilled by 134.6%.

In January-September of this year, 222.7 billion soum worth of products were prepared within the framework of the localization program, and the plan was fulfilled by 130% and compared to the corresponding period of the previous year, it was 149.7%.

In 9 months, in addition to the localization program, the production of 11 new projects worth 28.2 billion soums was approved and started this year.

Today, a total of 32 new projects worth 49.0 billion soums were produced: Including,“ Hard alloy products - drills and chisels”, “Stone Grinding Mill Coating”, “High temperature resistant ceramic products”, “Tungsten anhydride”, “Armor of firefighting equipment”, “Bulk products” and others. In order to support local manufacturers, develop industrial cooperation relations and reduce the volume of imports, contracts for the purchase of products worth 1.1 trillion soums were concluded, from that, contracts worth 727.3 billion soums were signed through the cooperation portal, said Dilshodbek Xoldaraliyev said head of department for localization of AMMC. - As a result of the expansion of intersectoral industrial cooperation on the optimization of the volume of imported products, the volume of imports was reduced by 65.2 million dollars during the reporting period. It is expected to be reduced to 88.1 million dollars by the end of the year.

 In 9 months, the volume of imports was set at 556.9 million dollars, and in reality it was 375.0 million dollars or 67% of the plan. By the end of the year, the import volume is expected to reach 120.0 million dollars.

- As a result of the integration of science into production, a number of new types of products were produced at AMMC. Including, we managed to obtain pure palladium metal in 2019 and rhenium metal in 2021 – said Mirzaahmad Ermanov head of the department for science and innovation. Also, In July 2022, molybdenum metal was obtained in pure form. In July 2022, a copyright was obtained for the technology of platinum metal production. Today, AMMC has acquired the copyright of 7 product production technologies.

In addition, in order to ensure the implementation of the President's decision No PQ-307 of July 6, 2022 "On organizational measures to implement the innovative development strategy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2022-2026", a number of works are being carried out. In particular, according to the decision, 16 scientific-research works worth 6,398.0 million soums will be carried out during 2022-2024, and 7 scientific-research contracts worth 3,783 million soums have been signed.

During 2022-2026, implementation of 6 "driver" innovative projects worth 6500.0 million soms is set. Also, the decision envisages joint financing of 9,459.4 million soums of innovative research work carried out by the research institutes of our republic in 2022-2023. Currently, 9 research projects worth 3,919.4 million soums have been financed.

At the fair, the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex signed memorandums worth 961.7 billion soums with local producers on the development of 326 types of products.

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