Over the past 2024, the Almalyk mining and metallurgical complex has effectively completed the tasks set within the framework of the Localization program.
According to Appendix No. 1 to Statement No. 61 of the Government Commission on Investment Attraction, Industrial Development and Trade Regulation dated May 3, 2024, the Localization Program of “Almalyk mining and metallurgical complex” Joint-Stock Company was formed again, this time for 1,521.4 billion UZS.
For the period from January to December, products worth 1,567 billion UZS were manufactured under 268 projects, the forecast (1,521.4 billion UZS) was fulfilled by 103%. Compared to the same period in 2023, the growth rate increased by 3.6 times, the efficiency of import substitution amounted to 121.5 million USD.
According to new projects, localized products worth 1,265.2 billion UZS were manufactured.
In terms of the plants implementing the Localization Program: the Central repair and mechanical plant manufactured products worth 85.4 billion UZS under 111 projects (spare parts for mills, excavators, hydrocyclones, copper electrical conductors), the Uzbek technological metals plant manufactured products worth 131.7 billion UZS under 32 projects (ball joints for quarry equipment, fireclay bricks, steel cutters and drills, turning cutters). The Copper smelting plant manufactured products worth 24.4 billion UZS. As part of the construction of Copper concentrator plant-3, steel structures worth 625.4 billion UZS were manufactured, the Explosives Plant manufactured products worth 264.8 billion UZS, and the 8 mechanical repair sections manufactured products worth 34.8 billion UZS. In addition, rollers worth 5.3 billion UZS were manufactured.
In 2024, the export of zinc sulfate, palladium, zinc oxide, produced under the Localization Program, amounted to 3.2 million USD.
Last year, through industrial cooperation, products worth 1,376.7 billion UZS were purchased from local manufacturers, the forecast in this area was fulfilled by 102%. The efficiency of import substitution amounted to 41 million USD.
It is worth noting that due to the purchase of steel balls from “Uzmetkombinat” JSC, ammonium nitrate solution from “Maxam-Chirchik” JSC and “Navoiazot” JSC, butylated xanthate from “Zhongtiang Chemical” LLC, and oil phase from “Chilon Lubricants” LLC, the efficiency of import substitution amounted to 5.7 million USD.
AMMC provides comprehensive support to domestic manufacturers based on the "taking in tow" mechanism, as a result of which the production of previously imported products worth 6.6 million USD was mastered.
During the reporting period, “Almalyk Foundry and Mechanical Plant” LLC produced foundry products worth 30.4 billion UZS, performed repairs and provided services, and created 72 new jobs.
As part of the machine tool manufacturing project, construction work has been completed at the joint venture “Avantek GP” LLC. The works are currently underway to deliver and install the equipment. During the reporting period, the enterprise purchased two universal milling machines and five coordinate digital machines worth 28.9 billion UZS.
On the part of the joint venture "Deutsche Innovationen Technologie AGMK" LLC air ducts and deflectors were manufactured for the amount of 9.3 billion UZS.
"DIZEL DETAL SAVDO" LLC manufactured high-pressure rubber hoses with textile windings for the amount of 7.4 billion UZS. The enterprise also created 12 new jobs.
"JFM LEGA GROUP" LLC supplied polymer microspheres for the amount of 8.3 billion UZS, PE "NADIR RABER" – various types of belts for the amount of 1.4 billion UZS.
In 2025, within the framework of the Localization Program for 105 new projects, products for 1.3 trillion UZS will be developed. The Uzbek Technological Metals Plant will manufacture products for 251 billion UZS. This will ensure import substitution for a total of 120 million USD.
Expansion of industrial cooperation will increase the share of domestic producers by 4 times. Goods worth 162 million USD will also be purchased. In particular, quarry dump trucks worth 68 million US dollars and dump cars worth 18 million US dollars will be produced jointly with domestic manufacturers.
25 enterprises of Almalyk, Angren, Akhangaran, as well as Pskent and Akhangaran districts, included in the "Industrial Triangle", will be taken "in tow". They will produce import-substituting products worth 27 million USD.
Due to the purchase of imported raw materials and chemicals, spare parts and components, as well as equipment from domestic manufacturers, the efficiency of import substitution will amount to 49 million USD.
As a result of the implementation of these measures, the volume of imports will be reduced by 282 million USD.
Also, due to the increase in the share of domestic manufacturers in the implementation of large investment projects, savings in foreign currency in the amount of 186 million USD will be achieved.
The works on the development of imported products will continue in the current year of 2025.
Abbos Abdullaev,
Head of Localization Department of AMMC