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AMMC subdivisions: the tasks are being realized

03 March 2023, 8:29 2218

As of January-February of the current year, a number of the structural subdivisions of the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine have fulfilled the tasks assigned to them.

Thus, the labor collective of the Khandiza mining department, located in the Surkhan oasis, fulfilled the forecast for the extraction of polymetallic ore by 102%, the task for its processing - by 100.3%, the forecast for the content of zinc in concentrate - by 100.3%.

It should be separately noted that the employees of the Angren Mining Administration, the Chadak Mining Administration, the Kauldy mine also overfulfilled the tasks for the extraction and processing of gold-bearing ore, in terms of the content of the first and second metals in the concentrate.

In addition, the employees of the copper concentrating plant-2 achieved a good result in fulfilling the forecasts. In particular, the fulfillment of the task for the processing of copper raw materials amounted to 101.4%, for the content of copper in concentrate - 133.8%.

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