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24 January 2024, 13:52 636

On January 23 of this year, the executive office held the reporting meeting of the Advisory Council on Women and Gender Equality of the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex, dedicated to the results of 2023 and the work plan for 2024.

At the event, Deputy Chairman of the Advisory Council of the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex on women and gender equality issues, Kamola Umaralieva, reported on the work done in 2023.

One year has already passed since the creation of the Board. During this time, the most active, leading, hardworking women were elected in each division of the factory, with whom we tried throughout the year to efficiently fulfill the tasks set by the management,” noted Kamola Umaralieva. Today, 8,043 women work in the structural divisions of the factory. Of these, 1 deputy, about 2000 women with higher education, 4615 women with secondary specialized education and 1420 women with secondary education. During the reporting period, 44 families of plant employees were provided with financial assistance in the amount of more than 540 million UZS, 12 of which were women with serious illnesses. In total, at the expense of the plant, 396,049,390 UZS were sold for the contractual payment of 27 women studying at a higher educational institution.

During 2023, the advisory council carried out a large amount of work with the participation of the chairmen of the councils at the enterprise.

In the second week of May, on the occasion of the Day of Mining and Metallurgical Industry Workers, women from low-income families who are retired and families who have lost their breadwinner were given food packages.

Together with the Board and relevant officials, on the initiative of the chairmen of enterprises, round tables “Mirror of Women’s Society” were organized to ensure the stability of the social and moral climate in the teams. The events included open discussions about the place and status of women in society, safe working conditions, gender equality policies, religious beliefs and dress, having appropriate knowledge and attitudes and other social topics.

On June 1, on International Children's Day, children of preschool educational institutions controlled by the factory received gifts.

In order to increase the effectiveness of measures to prevent various offenses and crimes among women, legal protection of the rights and interests of women, propaganda events were carried out.

In September, the challenge called “Honatlas” and “National Values at the Plant” was organized.

October 1 – on the occasion of Teachers and Mentors Day, a “week of honoring older people” was declared, during which veterans who had worked at the plant for many years and were on well-deserved retirement were recognized.

October 18 to 28, the “10 Days of Women’s Health Protection” campaign was held. During these 10 days, women in all structural divisions of the plant, as well as disabled people, underwent a free medical examination, receiving consultations from an oncologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, therapist, and neurologist.

As part of the Green Space project, advisory council activists planted 1,000 chestnut seedlings and contributed to the creation of the Mothers' Park.

November 13 to 18, the “Week of Science and Innovative Development” was organized among women, during which master classes were held with the participation of women scientists making a worthy contribution to the development of industry and science. Exhibitions were organized among women working at the plant, with the participation of artisans and entrepreneurs.

On December 3, in connection with the “International Day of Persons with Disabilities”, the event called “Kindness is the highest quality” was organized, at which a fair and sale of creative works of our children with disabilities was held. During the charity event, the leaders of AMMC purchased samples of creativity from students of boarding school No. 80 and specialized school No. 6.

On December 21-22, the “Let's Celebrate Together” campaign was organized, during which, in order to create a festive New Year mood, excursions to the State Museum of History of Uzbekistan and its branch “Tashkent Museum” were organized for needy women working at the plant and their children.

In addition, New Year's gifts were given to 50 families raising children with disabilities and families who have lost their breadwinner.

During the event, the chairmen of the advisory councils operating in the structural divisions of the plant spoke and expressed their opinions on the work done.

Chairman of the AMMC Advisory Council on Women and Gender Equality Feruza Khamidova noted the effectiveness of the work done in 2023 and gave instructions and recommendations on plans for 2024.

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