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AMMC: a new metallurgical complex is being built

09 April 2024, 11:6 933

Currently, one of the world’s largest projects is being implemented at the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Complex - the construction of copper concentration plant-3, where the production of copper concentrate will reach 1 million tons per year after its operation.

In turn, new metallurgical facilities shall be built to extract copper and other precious metals from this concentrate.

The most advanced technologies for smelting and converting copper had been studied prior to starting construction of the new metallurgical plant.

The technology chosen by AMMC specialists will increase the degree of copper extraction from copper concentrate to 98.4%.

Another key advantage of this technology is the absence of a negative impact on the environment, since all processes take place in closed systems, and harmful emissions that occur during equipment operation are minimal (capture of harmful gas emissions is 99.2%-99.7%).

The capacity of this plant will be 300,000 tons of copper cathode and 1.8 million tons of sulfuric acid per year. The sulfuric acid produced by the plant will lay the foundation for further expansion of production capacities of the chemical and uranium industries, as well as other new industrial enterprises.

Owing to the increase in copper production, the processing of copper raw materials in the republic and the production of new types of copper products with high added value will be organized.

Precious metals such as gold and silver extracted from copper concentrates will serve to increase the gold and foreign exchange reserves of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as to develop domestic jewelry industry.

It is worth emphasizing that thousands of new jobs will be created owning to this project.

The implementation of this project will certainly make the Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Plant one of the largest copper-smelting enterprises in the world.

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